* . *Chapter 1

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I simply am invisible. im the girl in the back of the classroom whom you've never heard speak, breathe, eat. Im a forgetful face, a background character you'll never think twice about, I sit there still as a statue letting the world happen around me, never once breaking my silence. No one notices my presence nevertheless my life force.... I'd like to keep it that way.

What I've learned from my short years residing in this town is, that if you dont fit the norm then you automatically become a target, an outcast. That's the reason, I dont have a bond with anyone at my school, mama thinks I should bond with my peers, "make friends". She thinks if I dont make any then I'll be lonely for the rest of my life.

I've tried to before, freshman year, but it ended with me balling my eyes out at this girl's birthday party, I think her name was Lorrie or...laura? I dont know, but I do know after that I was a target for all the hatred she harbored. Things were minor at first, from "playful" banter to constant name-calling and false rumors about my character.

It got so bad that I switched to online my second semester of sophomore year. Things only got worse, I fell into a deep depression and had constant anxiety attacks due to the isolation. My grades slumped tremendously and my parents had none of it, so they sent me back.

They thought it was for the better, that it was just a mountain I had to get over. Little did they know they sent me back to hell without knowing it. This brings me to now my first day back, my hand trembling, stuck on the entrance door handle like a deer in headlights. I only jolt after hearing a sudden car honking, I turn to see what/ who made the sound.

I rush inside out of breath, trying not the think of her. That smile, those eyes looked so....... familiar; it was like a cursed omen of what was to come, a non-verbal threat. I tried to brush off the encounter it could have been a girl who looked like her, I mean I only got a glimpse of her face before I ran into the school. I could be all wrong.... But the possibility of me being right is way too high and that.....scares the shit outta me.

The school day was almost over and it seemed to go smoothly, the occasional stares and whispers from my peers but nothing too out of the ordinary. It seemed like the rest of the school year was promising, maybe God was finally on my side. I walk into my last class of the day, looking to the floor to avoid the constant stares I get; I expected that but what I didn't expect was the piercing silence.

I looked up to see the reason for the change in mood, and that was when my eyes met, hers. I turned on my heels in an instant. 

I fled to the nearest restroom I felt my hands shaking as held on to the door knob of the restroom. I walked in, locked myself in the stall, and stared at the floor in shock. Trying to make sense of the situation and calm my nerves at once.

Authors note: Hii, I'm back from my long hiatus, I also wanted to say sorry for the sudden change in direction of this story but the last plot had well... no plot/ direction it was going in and  I just wasn't satisfied with the last rendition of this story, so I wanted to change it. Sorry again for the sudden change but I hope you guys like this one better. I love you guys, have a great night, and stay tuned for more chapters soon!!!! 

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⏰ Last updated: May 13, 2024 ⏰

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