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Kids these days can be very ugh I know y'all probably "hate" me but later down the line your gonna love me anyways I have more then one reason of why I am here one fixing their relationship it's possible for mates to "break up" and if that happens then it could fuck a lot of things up

With the Royal world being combined them breaking up or being on bad terms can lead to a very big problem that I don't think no one not even myself is ready to handle but we're gonna take baby steps firstly me earning their trust

"Ok I know y'all probably hate me right now but trust me I am the easy part" I said trying to be convincing

What do you mean* Lyn said with a hint of attitude

"Calm down Xiomara we're trying to gain their
trust not lose the little we do have" Tinashie said to me (Tinashie= my witch)

I took a deep breath before speaking again

"Ok girls I understand how you all feel right now but if we don't fix this now what happened to y'all's parents will happen again" I said feeling a little sadness come upon me

"How dare you speak upon them you know nothing"Cole yelled at me

"Little girl I've told you once I'm not gonna tell you again speak when is spoken to or when is called on understand" I said while looking at her

She started whining but shortly nodded her head

"Thank you now I'm really old enough to be ALL of you guys parents I'm not finna fight with y'all. I'm just here to lead y'all in the right path or y'all can run you guys and your kingdoms into dirt the choice is yours" I said now being over the childish games

"Fine"Mani said

"For this to work I need all of you to agree" I Said while crossing my arms

A few seconds went by and they finally agreed

"Ok"Cole said

"I guess so" Lyn said

"Ok we're listening"Remi said

I giggled at the fact that Remi reminds me of Taylor I need to call them actually I miss my beloved's anyways this isn't about me

"Ok that was step one being able to agree as a team and partners" I said while smiling

Just by looking at them I could tell they knew something wasn't ok with them and this could be personal well it looks like I have to get to know each and every one of them on a personal level

"Ok I will speak to each and every one of you in private we need to work on y'all communication because it sucks Mani come on" I said while walking outside

She hesitated a little but got up and followed there's a garden that I use to love to come to whenever me and my mates would "get into it" it always reminded me why I loved them I sat down on the tree breach that had flowers on the line of them Mani sat next to me

"Ok I wanna start this off by saying I'm not here to hurt y'all at all ok" I said while looking into Mani eyes I knew she believed me so I carried on

"There will be the right time when I tell you guys the other reasons of why I'm here but when that time comes it will now on to what I want to talk to you about" I said while keeping eye contact

" Tell me what's really bothering you" I said really wanting to know

Mani took a deep breath before speaking

I'm scared about the future I know how I want my life to go I know ever goal I wanna achieve I wanna get married to the ones I love the most and have beautiful children and live life as one I hate this whole queen hybrid shit because it's not me at all but they don't bother to listen to me* Mani said telling the honest truth

I smiled at her comment

When you say they you mean your mates?* i said knowing what she was talking about I just wanted her to say it out loud

Yes  that's what I mean* Mani said while looking into my eyes

Ok will I'll tell you this hold on to that don't ever and I mean ever let that go one day you will get that and I'm gonna make sure of it * said while rubbing my hand softly down her cheek

When I did that I felt the connection that I been dying to feel in 19 years a smile came across my face I don't think I would ever be able to tell her the truth but one day it will come out it just has to...

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