9. truth or dare

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thoughts in bold

Jayla:okay i'll go first Jaden truth or dare
Jayla:i dare you to kiss Brooke for 30 seconds
you face turns red
you stare Jayla in the eyes then turn you head back around
when you do you feel lips meet yours
you kiss back of course
Javon:okay okay your 30 seconds are up
Jaden pulls away
Jayla:wow looks like you both enjoyed that
Jaden:okay Javon truth or dare
Jaden:who is your crush
Javon:i don't have one right now
Jayla:yeah right
Javon:what i don't okay Kylee truth or dare
Kylee:uhh dare
Javon:i dare you to kiss the hottest person in the room
she crawls over to Jayla and gives her a peak on the lips
Jayla:aww thanks
Kylee:yeah then Brooke but she's my sister so like yeah
she goes sits down
Kylee:okay Jaden truth or dare
Jaden:umm truth
Kylee:is it true that you like my sister
Jaden looks at Kylee
you look at Jaden
Jaden:umm yes
You:wait what you actually do
Jaden:yes but what you don't like me
he gets up and goes to the bathroom
Jayla:give him like two minutes then go tell him
You:wait so he actually likes me
Javon:yes isn't it clean
You get up and go knock on the bathroom
You:can i come in please
you open the door and walk in
You:okay i'm sorry i was just shocked because you like me back
Jaden:so you like me too
You:we'll yeah
Jaden:oh i'm sorry i kinda got a little mad
You:it's fine
Jaden:your a good kisser not gonna lie
You laugh
Jaden:can i have another one
he walks up to you and grabs your chin then kisses you

You:uhh his soft lips his so perfect
Jaden:will you be my girlfriend he says pulling away
You:yes of course
you hug him while smiling
Jaden:your finally mine
You:yes finally
Jaden:okay let's go back
You guys go back and sit down
Kylee:umm so did it go well
Jayla smiles
Jayla:yay she yells a little
Javon:shhh mom said she was going to bed
(it was now 12:30pm)
Jayla:oh yeah
Kylee:we should watch a movie
you grab your blanket and go lay down in Jadens bed
everyone goes and gets in there bed
Jaden:are you cold
You:yes very
Jaden pulls you to him and wraps the blanket around you
Kylee:okay what do we watch
Javon:umm (what ever you want)
you guys guys watch the movie
you fall asleep like 45 minutes in

i hope you liked this chapter

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