Chapter 2

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The music was blaring in the background and I could feel the bass vibrating through me. My best friend Cassie was sitting across from me at the far end of the steamy bar, chatting away about the latest gossip at her workplace. Her brown hair was slicked back into her light blue beanie, which complimented her blue eyeshadow above her dark brown eyes. She always loved to play up her eyes, her favorite feature on her beautiful mocha skin.

I wonder how she does her makeup so perfectly. The only makeup I ever do is two coats of black mascara and a generous layer of Carmex on my plump pink lips. When I try to put eyeshadow on, it looks like I'm just trying to hard at being someone I'm not. It's just not natural to me. My green eyes seem to pop fine with only mascara. I cringed on the inside knowing that I can't pull off every look like some women do. The beer in my hand was getting slightly warmer so I took a big swig before setting it back down on the table.

Cassie's hand brushed my long blonde hair from my shoulder which snapped me out of my unimportant thoughts.

"Kaileena, did you hear me? I might be getting a promotion!" She squeals to me, obviously very excited at her chance at advancing. I swear I could see her bouncing a bit in her seat while she waited for my response.

"That's awesome, babe! I know for sure you will get it. You are such a hard worker, Cassie, you really deserve it." I leaned into her for a hug which she kindly returned back. "Another round to celebrate!" I yelled a bit and raised my hand to signal for the bartender as I looked around to see if anyone heard me.

Cassie was having such a great time, and I was too. Our friendship has really grown and we showed it every time we hung out together. Being so busy with work and school, we try to keep boy drama to a minimum so we can focus on what's important in our lives. Of course there are times were we have our crushes and fangirls over celebrities, but that's usually all the further it goes.

Ice cold beers were set down with a small thud and big hands carefully slid off of them. I looked up and smiled at the cute bartender, handing him over the cost of the beers and a nice tip for his great service.

"Anything else I can do for you two beautiful ladies?" He smoothly asked with a wink as he grabbed my hand for the money.

My cheeks flared with heat as I looked away over to my best friend what she thought. Raising my eyebrows at her signaled the silent question 'Want anything else?'. She knew instantly what my eyebrows meant once she saw my face.

Cassie's brown eyes moved from my green ones over to the bartender and raised her eyebrows in confidence.

"Two shots of UV Pink Lemonade please," then she looked over to me again, "I'm buying." There's a smirk rising on her face.

"Coming right up." Mr. Bartender announced slipping away from us with another wink directed to Cassie this time. Her face got a little dark with infatuation and giggled a bit. I giggled with her but as soon as I turned my head to the left, mysterious caramel eyes were staring into mine from down the bar.

My heart was doing flips in my chest at the eye contact he held with mine. That's when I looked away as normal as I could, grabbed my bottle, head tilted back and slammed half my beer in record time. In a cheers to getting drunk with my bestie, she immediately followed suit and chugged with me. At the same time, we both set down half empty bottles in a breathily laugh and holler.

I grabbed my black Hello Kitty purse and proceeded to carefully pull myself from the stool without stumbling. "I'll be back, I have to use the bathroom. Okay, guard my beer, babe!" I said as I kissed the air in Cassie's direction.

Zayn's POV

"There are some things that I just don't want to hear." I mumbled to myself. I drank my beer quietly while Niall was trying to chat up a wasted girl at the bar. They were obviously flirting like mad but I knew it wont go any further than that. Niall was a nice, easy going guy, that needed a more classy girl to suit his relationship needs.

My golden alcoholic liquid coolly ran down my parched throat while my eyes kept wondering over to one particular girl sitting at a table at the end of the bar. She had waist length strawberry blonde hair, flowing in curls down her back, laughing softly with her friend next to her. She was so beautiful, with her green eyes searching the room every so often. Her eyes caught a glimpse of mine a couple of times, but she seemed to show no interest at all.

"Why don't you go talk to her, yeah?" Niall breathed close to my ear, alcohol clearly traced in it.

I turned to him and Niall had a big goofy smile signaling for me to go for it. His left hand still holding his beer that's on the bar, and his right hand on my shoulder for reassurance.

My eyes closed a little too tightly as i turned back to my beer and sighed. "I don't think so." And at that moment, out of the corner of my eye, I see her get up slowly from her seat with her purse in hand. Maybe she was leaving already. I kept my attention to her to a minimum, not to show anyone including Niall that I really was interested in her.

I noticed her friend isn't making any attempt to leave and she nodded at the dark blonde one already standing. The bathroom... This might be my only chance to keep it subtle.

"Uh, hey, I'll be back." I nudged my elbow into Niall's green clad side to get his attention. He was back to flirting with another woman, but I could tell it wasn't going too well this time. His head turned to me almost in slow motion, and he simply nodded in comprehension with his hooded eyes quickly glancing at mine until his attention was back to the woman on the other side of him.

I tapped the bar top with my pointer finger knuckle a couple times before getting up off of the stool. My hand grabbed ahold of the pack of cigs resting next to the beer bottle. Feeling the need for one suddenly increased as the thought of going to the bathrooms raced in my mind. Well I might as well get it over with, huh.

I saw her long hair bouncing on her shoulders as she walked down the hallway, steady as to not make it obvious that he had been drinking and turning right where I presume the woman's bathroom is located. I proceed to walk slowly towards where she turned, almost like I was hunting prey. My hand absentmindedly took out a cigarette and burned it's tip with a flame. I glanced over to the friend while I passed, as she was drinking her beer slowly, while on her phone. Good sign that she wasn't going anywhere anytime soon.

As I turned the same right the green eyed beauty had just seconds before me, I stopped to see another long hallway with some adorning framed pictures in the wall. Nicotine coursing through my veins, I felt better to actually do this as she had already went through the bathroom door. My back touched the brown walls as I leaned and continued to smoke my cig.

I was almost to the end of the nicotine stick when I heard she was about to come out. My hand let go of the cigarette butt as it fell to the floor and my black converse stomped it out for good measure.

"Oh!" Gasped a light voice from my right. I reacted instinctively and quickly.


Annnnnd a little cliffy for you!! Muhahaha

I know it's not too exciting but it's something!!

Tell me what you think in a comment please! Also please please pleaseeee vote and share!! I will be forever grateful!

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Alright lovelies! Until next time soon!


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