chapter 1

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I woke up panting for air it's the same nightmare I have every night, I looked at my alarm and it reads 5:00 am I got of my bed and went to the bathroom to take a shower after 45 minutes I was done getting ready for the day I went downstairs and made breakfast for everyone when I finished it was 6:30 am I went back upstairs to wake my brothers and father, first I headed to Taylor's since he's harder to wake and takes a really long time to get ready"Ty, wake up we're going to be late " "five more minutes star "on other days I'd have let him but not today so I kept on trying to wake him up key word tried
So I went to the kitchen and got a bucket of water and splashed it on him "ah, what the heck star why the hell did you do that ?" I just shrugged and left
Next I went to Dean's room to wake him up but to my surprise he was already dressed "hey,uh star ca-can I talk to you?"hold up am I hallucinate or did dean just stuttered "ya sure, what's wrong?""well I was thinking maybe I'd like move out"okay not goona lie that hurt "but why, I mean for you to suddenly want to move out something must've happened what is it you can tell me you know that right?""star I'm 21 nearly 22 and am just staying home doing nothing so at least if I moved out  i wouldn't be much of a burden to you" I can't believe that he would think like that "hey look at me you're not a burden and I'm not gonna lie to you it is hard sometimes but I never thought of you as a burden so get that thought out of your head Alright "after saying that I hugged him and left for my dad's room and woke him up

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⏰ Last updated: May 07, 2022 ⏰

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