You should go out.

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Every day seemed the same at your new university, same view, same people, same classes, nothing was unique or exciting. Every day just blended into the other. It wasn't like you were losing yourself or anything; everything was just so monotonous regarding your life and college experience thus far.

On this particular day, you didn't have any classes, so you just sat in your dorm, staring out of the window and onto your dreary campus. It was overcast and raining outside, and every so often, you'd spot someone booking it across the field your dorm overlooked, covering their heads with anything they could use.

You sighed to yourself as you shifted your focus from people watching and self-pity to your homework currently sprawled across your desk. For some reason, you couldn't particularly study today, and it was getting to you. You had an upcoming test in microeconomics that your grade practically depended on, and you needed the motivation you currently lacked to study. You were already dreading the workweek, and this addition of stress was in no way helping your already pessimistic state of mind by any means.

You lay your head down on your desk, sighing to yourself once more, returning your watch to your window and letting out a heavy groan. Burying your face into your arms, you began to drift off into some semblance of a nap.

You were brought back to reality by a bang from somewhere in your dorm room, and then your bedroom door suddenly flew open with a crash, revealing a soaking Hange. Your head flew up as they entered your room and threw themselves onto your bed, and looked up at you, head in their hands.

"Whatcha up to, cutie?" They breathlessly said, still huffing from probably running through the rain, evident from their wet hair dripping onto your sheets, creating a sizable puddle.

"Well, I was trying to study, but then your loud ass burst into my room and broke my concentration. How'd you get in here anyway? You don't have my key. Wait, do you?" you inquired, carefully watching for their reaction.

"no need to jump to conclusions! I could feel that you were down. What class is it this time? Multivariable calculus? Government relations? ooh, maybe it's foreign policy?"

"Oh my god, do you have my whole schedule memorized or something? Creepy! and no, it's microeconomics," you said with a humph, turning yourself away from them and back to your work.

"Yeah, sorry, can't help you there!" Hange chanted, reaching out for your chair. "and I'm not creepy for knowing your schedule, just a good friend." they said matter of factly before grasping your chair and swiveling you around to face them once more.

You groaned, refusing to meet hange's eyes as a way of refusal, but their gaze on your face was unwavering and forced you to look down at them.

Once you met their eyes, they asserted, "you need a break. Desperately babes. Come out with me tonight! there's gonna be this huge party at pi kappa alpha, and you know how much I dislike frat parties, but I heard this one's gonna be one to remember!!"

"Hange, you know I hate parties. I know I hate parties. I'll go out with you, but, like, to a movie or dinner or something. Not to a frat house to get wasted and then probably roofied! Also, what if Levi's there? I don't really wanna see him..." you sighed again, looking over Hange's shoulder, grimacing to yourself, thinking about Levi.

It's not like you hated Levi or anything; he's just been super weird lately. He was a relatively inconsequential part of your life, as he was just a guy in your calc class that you caught yourself staring at a few too many times. Although he was short and two years ahead of you, he was still gorgeous. He exuded confidence and had a very prevalent and natural charm. He'd also caught onto your little crush on himself, as he'd taken notice of your frequent staring and even noted a hint of longing in your eyes.

you'd spoken to him, granted it was only a few times, but those few times were some of the deepest conversations you'd ever had. He acted like he didn't care, but deep down, you could tell he did and that he was strong and passionate. you'd learned much about him when the two of you got to talking, and he was never afraid to talk about himself, but it wasn't in an egotistical way. It was oddly... charming.

Lately, you'd been trying to pursue more conversation, but it almost seemed as if he were avoiding you. Every time you'd come up to him after class, he'd rush away or come up with some bullshit excuse to get out of talking to you. You just wished he'd tell you what was up, because everytime you thought of him or saw him, you were overcome with this persistent feeling of abandonment and emptiness even though the two of you weren't anything but acquaintances, simply classmates.

You never even got his number.

This weirdness had been going on short for two weeks, and you just weren't feeling the whole, awkward running-into-at-the-party-oh-hey-it's-you rodeo.

You just needed your mind off of your dilemma and you came to suddenly, realizing that staying inside would only perpetuate your remorseful feelings about Levi so you decided to take Hange up on their offer.

Obnoxious snapping in your face and repetitive callings of your name by a very confused Hange brought you back down to earth.

"Hey you? Where'd d'ya go?" Hange giggled, gazing into your glazed-over eyes.

"I've come to a conclusion." You stated.


"Let's go out tonight. I need to get my mind off of Levi and staying in all night isn't gonna do me too much good. You, me, dinner?"

"Where were you thinking?" Hange grinned as your name slipped off their tongue.

"How about that little Italian joint down a few streets? I heard they have really good chicken parm. Chicken parm you taste so good~" you sing songed.

"I know you did not just reference that State Farm Peyton Manning commercial to me."

"I did." You giggled "Why don't we go at 6:30? I need to get showered and dressed and stuff."

"Sounds good to me! See you then." Hange winked after they said your name.

They sauntered out of your door, calling goodbyes as they went.

Forget about Levi, you had a new problem. What were you going to wear on your dinner date with Hange?

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