Part 8

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Four steps. That's how close and far she was from him. For what seemed an eternity he just kept staring at her, unable to determine whether his sense were deceiving him. This was not possible. Kali Babu had her in his grasp. Or not? But then he started noticing little things that hinted she was indeed more than just a wishful apparition. She still looked fragile and unhealthy skinny. Dressed as simply as possible, her hair pulled back into a braid, she was his Chandramukhi and yet she was not. Never has he seen her like this. Unable to say anything while she too was looking at him with a kind of disbelief and shock, he also noticed an injured wrist and a small gash, that would hardly attract any attention if it wasn't all blue across her pale cheek. Her eyes were scanning him frantically as well. His appearance apparently scared her. He looked terribly after all those sleepless nights, with blood-shot eyes and all ruffled up after fighting Kali Babu and his men earlier. And then he couldn't take it anymore. The world swayed under his feet and then it all turned black.


That night Chuni Babu felt happy, happier than he could even remember. As he stepped out of the house for an evening stroll, followed by two servants few feet behind, the warm twilight seemed beautiful and merry. The red sky soon turned into purple, shimmering with stars, a pleasant breeze was bringing freshness into the streets that throughout the day were full of dust and sweat. Everything seemed calm. And his heart was as light as a feather.

He was actually surprised at how much the matter with Devdas pleased him. A long time ago he has taken him for his younger brother in a world where he had nobody else. His loneliness was partly given by fate, partly he chose it himself. But Deva, Deva was an eternal child. He never coped with the bitter feeling of being abandoned. When he appeared at Chuni Babu's doorstep that night he fled from home, he wanted to help him grow up. That's why he took him to Chandramukhi. He was hoping that the beauty, the excitement, the mystery she was would make the trick and he was genuinely astonished when Devdas didn't fall for her spell from the start. He somehow lost track of that strange, strange relationship his friend shared with Chandramukhi, of whom Chuni Babu was extremely fond of. From occasional visits he knew Devdas practically lived with her and one would have to be deaf, blind and locked away in a cage not to see Chandramukhi was desperately in love. But him? It was not in Chuni Babu's nature to judge, and in any case his light-hearted mind refuse to occupy itself with complicated matters.

But past few months have finally began to make sense to Chuni Babu, and he liked what he saw. Chandramukhi, God bless her, nursed his friend back to health, and the haunted, sad look disappeared from her beautiful face, as his eyes were now also full of love. Two people he cared about the most were apparently happy and in their own little paradise. It was a nasty surprise when Gauri appeared one night at Chuni Babu's house, all breathless from running and with tears streaming down her face, begging for help for her mistress. From the little Gauri managed to incoherently say Chuni Babu only understood that Devdas was away, and Chandramukhi was in danger. What danger? He didn't press the matter, there would be enough time for talking later. The very next night he had Chanramukhi and Gauri kidnapped and hid them in his house. He only regretted not doing so a day earlier. He hated to see Chandramukhi in pain...

But now all was good. Both those mad lovers were finally together, after causing themselves so much agony. For days she would be crying, scared he left her without a word. And Devdas, in one of his silly moments, went to look out for her instead of coming to his house first. Now they were both together and the last time Gauri dared to check on them they were still crying like children. Silly, silly people. Chuni Babu left them alone. And he felt good at heart. So good that all of a sudden he had to laugh out loud, and he did not care about passers by giving him curious looks.

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