i'm sorry

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I woke up, brushed my teeth and got ready for the game. I didn't know what team we were playing against. My parents and grandpa came with me to watch.

"You ready to go honey?" my dad asked.

"More than ready!" I answered.

We got in the car and picked up Connie. I haven't told her what happened but she noticed something was going on. "What's wrong Ki?" I sighed.

"I'll tell you after the game okay?" She nodded. I just want to focus on the game.

"Hey coach!" Bombay turned around.

"Hey! Ready to kick some ass?"

"Totally!" I walked in with Connie, greeting our team mates, including Adam. He gave me a small smile. I really wanted to talk to him but first we're gonna win this game.

I played center. 10 minutes into the game and we were already 4-1 ahead. It was break time. Connie and I walked to the dressingroom. The rest came and we all got to the dressing room.

Fulton sat next to me as coach started taking. "I'm proud of you guys! You're kicking ass out there." Charlie came to me.

"Hey Char." I said.

"Hey uhmm.. Adam wants to talk to you after the game."

"Oh about what?" Of course i knew what about, but I wanted to see if Charlie knew.

"I don't know, sorry."

We won the game with 8-2. Coach wanted to talk with the whole team in the dressing room.

"Great job team, I'm proud of each and everyone of you!" We cheered.

"As you guys know, the next game is gonna be the last... Against the hawks." Signs filled the room.

"I know they're good and aggressive but I'm sure we can take them! Just play your best! See you next Saturday!"

I walked out being pulled at my arm by Adam. "Meet me at 1 pm at Mickeys."

"Okay see you then." I walked to the car where my parents and grandpa were waiting.

"You talked to Adam yet?" my dad asked.

"No... he invited me to Mickeys at 1 so I hope we talk then."

When we got home, I showered, brushed my hair and put it in 2 french braids, changed into black sweatpants with a white top. I put on my white converse before leaving to Mickeys. I walked with music. That is just so peaceful. I love music.

I sat at a booth waiting for Adam. Casey was working and I ordered a vanilla milkshake. At that moment, Adam walked in and sat opposite from me.

"Hey Adam.." I said.

"Hey Ki, I am so sorry about yesterday. The person I was at the hawks, well I was really different and I didn't want you to know how i was before." I sighed and smiled.

"I'm sorry to Adam, I shouldn't have started about it. I guess I just wanted to get to know you."

We sat there for about an hour. We talked about New York and hockey.

"So what's your favorite band." I asked.

"I like the Arctic Monkeys." Adam said.

My mouth widened. "Omg! Me too! None of my friends back in New York likes them!" he laughed.

We walked home, still talking. He brought me home. He's such a gentleman.

"So Ki, I was wondering, you want to go on a date maybe?"

I was surprised. Did he like me? "Yes of course Adam." I gave him a hug and walked to the door. "Bye Banks."

"Bye Ki."

I told my mom everything. That we made up, that we like the same music and that he asked me out! It is gonna my first date.

I texted Adam.
"already looking out for the date!"

young love story -Adam Banks Where stories live. Discover now