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author's POV

zarek laid awake staring at the ceiling, his whole body was sweating or at least that's what it felt like to him.

he rolled onto his side and tried to shut his eyes...every time he went to sleep or closed his eyes he saw the figure... he couldn't see it completely the face was blurred but he knew who it was.

once he was able to finally fall asleep...it didn't last long the nightmare came right back.

his surroundings were white and he was sitting on the edge of a bed that had blue and white covers on it.

"zarek...you ready??" younger zarek looked up at the figure and swallowed the lump in his throat.

"i...w-want my mommy..." zarek whimpered before his face was roughly grabbed.

"well mommys working and doesn't give a shit about you right now...listen i love you and just showing you the ways." the figure said and zarek pushed their hand away.

"i don't wanna-" he was cut off with a smack to the face.

"i didn't fuckin ask...lay down." zarek scooted back and shook his head no until his back hit the headboard.

"come on...i'm sure you wouldn't want your sister to stuffer??" he tensed up at the mention of his sister.

zarek would go to the end of the world before letting someone hurt his sister.

he gulped as the figure grabbed his legs and pulled him back towards the edge of the bed before pulling his pants down.

zarek jumped up outta his sleep with a scream and looked around the room before blinking his eyes a few times...next thing he knew he was crying.

he was crying, he couldn't remember the last time he actually cried.

he cried and sobbed into his pillow then he heard his door open, but he couldn't stop crying even if he wanted to.

"bubba..." zakiya mumbled as she turned on his light.

she was asleep and went downstairs to get some water, when she came back up she thought she could hear muffled yelling and crying.

she was right.

zarek slowly sat up and looked at her, she could see his bloodshot and puffy eyes.

"what's wrong??" she asked and sat down on the bed beside him.

he didn't say anything, words couldn't come out his mouth.

he only sniffled and wiped his face,"come here..." zakiya opened up her arms and zarek hesitated before hugging her.

he started crying all over again making zakiya's heart break a little, she had never seen her brother cry and was sincerely scared.

"we can talk about it when your ready..." zakiya mumbled into her brother's hair.

even tho zakiya was the youngest, she still made sure to look after him.

"i- i can't..." he cried as his voice broke.

zakiya sighed and only rubbed her brothers back, she knew a little about his addiction but not much.

zakiya wasn't naive, she knew the symptoms...she knew he had to be on something but didn't wanna force it out of him.

"i'm sorry...i've been a fuckin dickhead to you.." he cried.

"shh it's fine, we're siblings right?? we're always mean to each other." zakiya said and zarek laughed lightly and wiped his face.

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