An Okay Broken Promise

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Welcome to the first ,of many I hope, Nathen Drake One Shots ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~

The plane shook as it descended slowly through the sky. A few islands could be seen through the plane window as you took in a shaky breath.

"You're fine." Nathen told you as he took your hand, pulling you from your thoughts." I hate flying." You told him, setting your head on the back of your chair." It's not that bad, is it?" He smirked over at you, knowing fully well how much you hated flying." Shush." He chuckled and rubbed his thumb over your knuckles." Are Sam and Sully already there?" You asked, looking over at Nate." Yeah, they landed about five hours ago." You nodded and set your head back down when there was more turbulence. You held Nates hand tights as he just smiled.

You were on your way to Arabia, Melana to be precise, for a mid-fall get away, an overdue vacation of sorts. Nathen had promised when you left that there was going to be no adventures or treasure hunting while you were down there. You agreed with him but part of you was hoping that you would get into some sort of adventure. Maybe you would find a lost tomb or a map that led to a sunken ship. You could only hope.

The plane landed smoothly, and you couldn't wait to be on solid ground again. You exited the plane with your duffle bags in hand, ready to join Sam and Sully wherever they were." Sam said that they are in the hotel down, that way." Nate pointed as he looked up from his phone." Alright then, guess we are going on an adventure after all." You took Nates hands as he laughed but went along with you.

You rounded the corner of the narrow ally way and walked right into a farmers market." Oh wow." Nate said as you both stopped." We should look around a bit." You told Nate." But Sam and Sully are already waiting for us though." Nate protested as you slowly pulled him into the market." Come on, can we just look around?" You gave him the best puppy eyes you could, and he sighed in defeated." Fine, but we can't be here forever."

You were wondering around the market when you came across a traveling salesman with what looked to be a map laying out on the table in front of him." Nate, look." You said hitting his arm and pointing at the man." What?" He asked with a chuckle as he rubbed his arm where you hit him." Is that a map?" Nate walked over to the man and looked down at the map." Yeah, it is." You stood next to him and ran your hand along the front of it." That is a one of a kind." The man said in broken English." Could be fake." Nate said as he looked at the other things on the table." No, real. I tell you. One of a kind." You smiled at him then looked up at Nate." Why don't we just get it?" Nate sighed and ran a hand over his face before thinking it over." How much for it?" " 600, but for you, 550." " That's way to much." Nate said as you crossed your arms." What if I get this and the map but you drop it to 300?" You said picking up an old compass. The man thought for a moment then looked at you." Fine, but only 350." " deal." You shook his hand and Nate wanted to stop you, but it was too late." Now wait." Nate said but you were already handing the man money and taking the map and compass and walking away." Y/N, wait." You turned around and pushed the map against his chest." You're very welcome." You smiled up at him as he just shook his head with a grin.

As you were walking down the street towards the Hotel Nate was staring at the map as you looked over to compass." This is amazing." Nate announced as he ran his hand through his hair." Really?" You asked as you looked down at the map." Yeah, this a map to an island on the shore of Rome, or what was Rome." You giggled and looped your arm with his." Well after our vacation we can go check it out." "Really?" He asked looking down at you." Yeah, I don't see why not." You walked through the front doors of the small hotel and smiled at the receptionist." Are you here for a stay?" She asked." Actually, were here to see some friends. Sam Drake and Victor Sullivan." She looked down at her paper and told you the room they were in." That was easy." Nate joked as you both walked up the stairs to the second floor.

Nate knocked on the door and it opened to revile Sam with a towel over his shoulder and a part shave on his face." Aya, it's my brother." Sam hugged Nate before turning to you." And my little brother's girlfriend." You laughed as he kissed your hand, leaving a bit of shaving cream on it." Come on, let us in." Nate pushed Sam aside and you fallowed him into the room." You've arrived." Sully said from the armchair he was sitting on, smoking his cigar." Look at what Y/N and I found in the market." Nathen said after saying a short hi to Sully and tossing his bag on the bed. He laid the map down on the small bedside table as Sully walked over to him." I thought you promised Y/N no adventures while on vacation?" Sam asked as he walked out of the bathroom, wiping his face clean with his hand." I did but-" " I bought the map so it's really my fault." You cut him off." Right." Nate smiled at you.

Sam touched the map and started to get excited." How old do you think this map is?" Sam asked as Sully took a look at it." I'm not sure, probably mid renascence area from how old the writing is." Sam nodded and looked closer at the map." You boys just going to sit and look at that map all day or are we going to dinner?" You asked. Nate looked over at you and sighed." But this could be important." Sam said, taking the map and holding it up to the light." If you didn't know about it till now I'm sure no one is going to try and get there before you." You pointed out." You're the one who bought the map though ." Nate pointed out, walking over to you." Yes but I didn't think it would make this much of a problem." He took you by the waist and held you against him." Then you shouldn't have bought it." You giggled as he looked down at you." Stop being cute and get ready to go." Sam yelled and tossed stuff at you and Nate." Fine." Nate said, kissing you quickly before going to find something to wear.

You walked out of the bathroom after putting on the only dress you had brought with you, entering the living area where Sam sat next to Nate on the couch, both of them yet again looking at the map." I tried to stop them they wouldn't listen." Sully told you." It's fine, at least they're dressed." Nate looked up at you and smiled brightly." You look beautiful." He told you, passing the map to Sam who didn't take his eyes off it." Why thank you. You don't look to bad yourself." He smiled, thanking you with a kiss." Shall we be off then?" Sully asked, you and Nate nodding leaving Sam to agree." Yeah I'll be right out." Sam said waving you all off." Bye then." You said taking Nates hand and pulling him out the door.

The restaurant you had decided going to was more or less a tourist trap not a restaurant. After a short wait you were all seated and brought drinks." Sam better show up." Nate said as he looked over the menu." He will, and if he doesn't I'll beat him up with you." Nate chuckled and looked at you." I'm sure you would like that." You blushed and looked down at your menu, trying to hide the bright red tint on your cheeks.

" Sir, please wait to be seated." The waitress said as she tried to keep the man from walking into the restaurant. You looked over towards the entrance to see what was happening. And not so much to your surprise was Sam trying to get in the front door." Looks like I found your brother." Nate turned to look as Sully did the same." Crap, he's going to get himself kicked out." Nate stood up and walked over to him, leaving you and Sully back at the table." Those two need to learn manners." Sully grumbled as he drank some of his scotch." He learned from you Sully." You joked." He didn't learn that from me." You smiled as Nate negotiated with the waitress to let Sam in. After his success he and Sam walked back over to the table." Look at this." Sam said before you could even say anything.

He placed a rough drawing of an island on the table and pointed at it." That's where the map is leading too." Nate sighed and rubbed a hand over his face." Sam-" " It is, okay. I'm not making this up. That's where the treasure is." " And the treasure could already be gone." You pointed out." But it could still be there." Sam was persistent, much like his brother." You sure this is the exact place?" Nate asked." Yes, what do you think I have been doing for the past hour?" Nate sat back in his chair and looked over at you." I promised Y/N no adventure, we are going to have a normal vacation." You placed a hand on his making him make eye contact with you." I change my mind. I am the one who bought the map in the first place." Nate smirked and nodded." Guess dinners off then." Sully groaned and looked at the three of you across from him." You really want to do this?" Sully asked. You nodded." Call it an okay broken promise."

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