Close Call

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Nate jumped across the gap and slammed his right shoulder against the cliff side as he held the rope tighter." Are you okay?" You yelled as Nate tried to get his footing." Yeah, I'm good." You shook your head as he let go of the rope, letting it swing over so you could grab it." Don't hit me okay?" Nate said as he inched his way across the thin ledge he was standing on." What if I do?" You asked back, taking the rope and getting ready to jump." Don't you dare." You smiled and jumped off the ledge, letting your feet hit the cliff side instead of your shoulder like Nate did." That's how you do it." You smirked as he just rolled his eyes." Sure, whatever."

Nate climbed up the cliff side and to the ledge that was sticking out of the mountain side. He pulled himself up then leaned over the edge to take your hand." I can't reach." You said as you held your hand up over your head." Jump, I'll catch you." You nodded and hopped up, just as your feet left the ledge the ground crumbled under you." Nate!" You yelled as he reached for your hand. He caught you by the wrist and pulled you up before you could fall.

You were breathing heavily as Nate looked over the cliff side as the rock fell into the river below." That was close." Nate breathed out as he sat back, sitting next to where you were laying on the ground." Never again." You told him." You say that every time." He chuckled, looking down at you." This time I mean it." He laid down next to you and took your hand." We should keep moving." You suggested." Give me a few minutes." He breathed out, rubbing his thumb over your knuckles." You know, if I wasn't engaged to you I would never go on things like this?" You said out loud, making Nate look over at you." I don't believe you." He smiled." It's true. I only do this to save your sorry ass when you need help, and to make sure you don't die before our wedding." You felt his fingers run across the engagement ring sat on your left ring finger as you went on." We can't have another close call like that. I don't want to lose you." You didn't even realize the tears welling in your eyes until they were sliding down your face." Hey, shh it's okay." Nate told you, rolling over on his side to look at you." You're not going to lose me, I promise." You looked over at him and nodded." You've broke promises before." You pointed out as you rolled over to face him." This time I won't. It's a special promise." You smiled as you placed your hands on either side of his face." I'm sure it is." He smirked before closing the small gap between the two of you by placing his lips on yours, a feeling you gladly welcomed.

He's always been this way. Even before you were an official couple he always threw caution to the wind. That's what made you fall for him in the first place, but as your feelings for each other slowly started to grow into something more you started to worry more. You couldn't lose him now, it would kill you if he just disappeared from your life like that. You couldn't take any chances now, and you didn't want to. Nate was of course the one to brush you off and laugh at you when you would get mad at him for almost falling off a cliff edge. You couldn't help it, after he popped the question and you had excepted his proposal your worry started to escalate. You didn't want to lose him before you could even spend the rest your life together.

You both continued to climb up the rock face until you made it to the city ruins you had been trying to get to the whole time." Looks like we made it here first." Nate pointed out as you both walked through a crumbling arch way." Seems that way." You ran your hand along the smooth stone wall of the old building you were in, looking up at the roof as you did." Nate, what's that?" You asked pointing at the ceiling." What's what?" He asked looking up at where you were pointing." That my dear." Nate smiled when he saw the large glass chandler still hanging above the two of you." That is what we're here for." Nate looked around the room before he ran towards an open window and jumped out of it." Nate!" You yelled after him, running over to the open window and gasping when you saw the cliff side below it." Calm down I'm alive." He chuckled as you leaned out the window and saw him climbing his way up the outside of the building." Be careful please." He nodded and kept going as you walked back into the building.

Nathen made it to the roof top and was carefully making his way to the hanging crystal chandelier." We need to find a way to get this down." He told you as he hung from the ceiling." Is it bolted to the roof?" You asked back." No but this rope isn't looking the best." You looked around yourself but didn't find anything useful to use." I have an idea." He told you, making you look back up at him." And what might that be?" He smirked and looked down at you." I'll just take the remaining crystals and toss them to you." You sighed but nodded." Okay, be careful." He gave you a nod before slowly taking crystals off of the chandelier. He dropped them down to you where you held out a bandana to catch them with. After he had gathered all the ones that weren't broken or falling apart he tried to make his way back down to you.

As you were carefully placing the crystals in your back pack you heard something snap, followed by the sound of Nathen slamming against the outer wall." Nate!" You yelled as your ran for the side of the building." I'm fine!" He yelled back." Didn't sound like it." He came into your view and he quickly climbed his way back through the window." Oh my god your head." You said as he stood in front of you." What?" He asked before touching his fingers to his temple where there was blood dripping down it." Oh, that." You sighed and pressed your bandana to his forehead, soaking up the blood as you did." Sorry." He told you, his eyes looking into yours." You're fine, you don't need to apologize." He reached up and took your hand in his, bringing it down from his head." I'm still sorry." You sighed and looked down away from his face." Y/N?" You looked back up at him with a small smile on your face, making him smirk." I'll never escape your wild side will I?" He chuckled and shook his head." You're stuck with me now." You placed your free hand on the side of his face, running your thumb over his cheek." I still need to marry you so don't die before then please." " But I can die after that?" You let out a laugh, making Nathan smile down at you." No, but if that's what you prefer then maybe."

Nate pecked your lips with his own before letting go of your hand." Shall we head back future Mrs. Drake?" He asked, as he grabbed your back pack and passed it to you." We shall future Mr. Drake."

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⏰ Last updated: Jul 03 ⏰

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