I Am Neptunian

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Some said the world would end with the sun exploding, demolishing earth as a whole and prevailing destruction upon the human race. I bet if you asked someone on the street how the world would end, they would mention a zombie apocalypse, cause of a lethal epidemic or an alien invasion. But no, instead, over population, diminishing of the ozone layer, and even pollution, tore the human's home planet apart. With the earth becoming inhabitable and the planet itself dying, the only thing that remained was aliens

Yes aliens, those mythical creatures you've been trying to convince yourself or others they aren't real, but deep down, there was always uncertainty. The earth remained uninhabitable with no trace of the human race, for two thousand  years. Aliens, lived among the other planets of the solar system. Except me, the only human, alive among a threat of another species. I don't really know how it was possible, my parents who are aliens, call me a miracle. That i was somehow special and this was meant to happen. Personally, i don't see it. 

Mostly, because i always felt out of place here on Neptune, being the only human alive in all of existence, sort of made me feel like a lab rat or something. Anyways, let me get you up to speed on how our solar system works now. Each planet of the solar system, has a significant name: Saturnians are  born with beige skin, each of the planets glorify and praise an element of nature. This planet favors air.  they live on a ship within the Saturn, which floats outside the gas planet. I heard it tends to rain diamonds over there, but i've never been. The Saturnians cover up most of their body with long cloaks and elongated gowns. The middle of the planet isn't just gas though, that's the illusion, it's actually a great big desert with sand. 

Uranusems: are born with dark blue skin tones, they can stand the cold as if it's there first nature. They too live on a ship that turns the core of the planet into a sacrificial pit of doom. If you couldn't tell aready, they favor the cold. By wearing small pieces of clothing and revealing so much of there dark blue skin. 

Mercurials: are born with a grey skin tone, they live in an underground sea chamber, which means they only believe in the importance of water and wisdom. They wear body suits with the planets shadow on there backs. 

Venusians: are white, lovers of fire, they take refuge in underground caves with fire torches and many other things that consist of fire. They believe light destroys darkness, and what brings them light, shall lead the way, set them free blah blah blah. The women's outfits consist of cropped shirts and skirts with brown like sandals. The men are usually shirtless with brown shorts hanging from there hips. 

Jupiteronins: are orange, but they take reassurance of fruit, i've heard the entire planet is like the garden of Eden. from fruit trees to bushes to many other things. I'm not quite sure what there attire consists of, but i know it's probably heavenly. 

Plutonians: are yellow, they are partners with Uranusems. I have only heard of that planet being a junk planet, or a junk yard if you may. They favor the cold as well, mostly because the planet is so far away from the sun. 

Marsmaticals: are red, they are the aliens that are believed to eat humans. Legend has it, they keep flesh of the human body stored away for later, after all these years, it was just a rumor. But i'm too convinced it could be true, the stories i have heard about that place, it's basically a representation of hell. They carry around armor and swords, riding on fire breathing dragons, as if they're horses. There red complexion is overthrown by there red eye color, when they smell just one drop of human blood, there eyes would radiate and there teeth would grow sharper. 

They glorify heat and volcanoes, almost like Venus, but they are more ancient about fire. Marsmaticals glorify it just to glorify it. And last but not least, the Neptunians. 

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