Jupiter Ascending

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After awhile of cruising in outer space, i peered out my beaten down windows from the shuttle i built. As i saw the planet i felt a deep connection too regardless of how far away it was, Earth. I remember how the people that went before me use to live there, were born there, the curiosity of it all ate me alive. It felt like being adopted and wanting to know who your birth parents are, it was a strong yearning. I instantly snapped out of the trance i was in when more bullets went flying past the shuttle, i tried shooting back, before landing on Jupiter. 

Once i escaped the shuttle and ran, the guardians tried to follow me, but the Jupiteronins stopped them at the gates. Reminding them of the commandments. That must of have not have seen me, as my suit disguised my skin and kept me hidden with the planet's dress code. "ADAM!" i yelled, as i ran past people, chatting, laughing, and having picnics while they lived in harmony. On this garden like planet, i continued running through town and past parks, i could see my face on the screens as the guardians started referring to me as the "shapeshifter". 

I assumed they didn't know what to call me or even knew who they were looking for, all they knew was that i was birth markless and dangerous. But after all, i am only human. My suit began scanning everyone's faces in the crowds, as i tracked his phone number, and area code. My suit then mapped out a little cottage in the distance, by tracing the number. "Adam!?" i said, looking around as i took out my cellphone and tried calling him, to let him know i was here. There was no answer, the moment i made it to the cottage, i found a barn near the area. 

I went over to investigate after getting no answer from the knock on his front door, "Adam!" i yelled, as my feet lead me into the barn, i looked around, seeing piles of hay, and a ladder that lead to a higher level of the barn. There was surprisingly no animals. But it did have a funky smell. I had never seen a barn in person before, and hay was fascinating to me. I climbed up the ladder, hoping to find Adam around here somewhere. That was when i found a desk in the corner near a window, a laptop, and a plethora of drawings. I admired the ones of him and i. 

He never liked to show me the ones of him and i over face time, he would always say he wanted them to be special when we first met. Within a second, i heard a sound. "Adam?" i whispered, as i walked too close to the edge of the higher level, causing me to slip and fall backwards. When i screamed, i felt an arm pull me back from the ledge, as i fell on top of the stranger. "Adam!" i screamed, as he was terrified. I frowned before realizing, i was still in disguise, as my suit then revealed my real identity. "Eve?" he said, as he helped me off the floor, looking me in the eyes, before pulling me into a hug. 

I felt my feet leave the ground as he spun me around out of excitement, "i can't believe you finally made it off of Neptune! wow, you're so much more beautiful in person" he said, as he set me back down in front of him. Placing a strand of my long hair behind my ear, in awe. I only dreamed of this moment for so long, it was strange and surreal to see it come to life before my very eyes. I had never seen another human in person before, i couldn't stop myself from wanting to kiss him. Even though i didn't know how, i had only seen it in movies and tv shows, read about it in books, but never got to experience it myself. 

He seemed as though he wanted to as well, as we leaned in, and our lips met. But before we could indulge, we needed to get somewhere safe. "Not here" he whispered, as i disguised myself and we held hands. "My parents are dead, when the inspectors came in to check the home ship, they were killed in action trying to protect me. I tried to stop it but i couldn't. Adam, i can't let them die in vain." i said, as tears brimmed at my eyes. "You're not alone anymore, i'm gonna fight with you. And i am so sorry you had to witness that. Let me do something to take your mind off of it." he whispered, as i nodded. 

It was crazy to think for the first time, ever since i was born i finally left my planet, Neptune. That never actually hit me until i made it to Jupiter, even though i had already been to a few other planets since i got here. Adam took me to his favorite place here, a beautiful garden, something he liked to call the garden of Eden. Cause of how beautiful it was, the sun was beginning to set, and he told me to close my eyes. I did so, as i heard it start to rain. 

A smile crossed my face as i opened my eyes watching the diamonds fall from the skies, i laughed, spinning around in a circle. He spun me as well, as i twirled in this diamond dream. We then embraced within the sunset as we shared a kiss. He also showed me how to pick fruits and vegetables, as i tasted a few for the first time. While we had a picnic, it felt incredible to experience so many new things. "You're so lucky, you got to grow up in such a beautiful place like this" i said, as i ate a strawberry. "I bet Neptune is beautiful too" he said, as he smiled. 

"I mean, from what you've shown me online" he said, as i smiled before shrugging. "I don't really think so, but how would i know? i've never left my home and even explored the planet" i said, as he looked at me. "Maybe you and i can go back when this is all over" he said, as i laid down looking at the sky. "Maybe" i whispered. After laying there for a few, he showed me a bit more of Jupiter. "When i was a kid i never understood why i was always stuck inside, studying and learning on how to survive if something terrible were to happen to my parents. I wanted to play with the other kids and actually leave with my dad whenever he did so. It killed me that i couldn't. But now after everything's happened, i'm glad my parents taught me how to survive all these years,  if they didn't i wouldn't have made it here too you" i said, as Adam took my hand in his. 

"But those guardians Adam, they're still out there looking for me, and they won't stop until they find me and kill me. I don't wanna put you in danger by being here" i said, as we walked back to his place. "Eve, i'm already in danger, ever since i was born too. And there is no way i am going to stop protecting you" he said, as i blushed. When we made it inside the cottage, he introduced me to his parents. And they welcomed me with open arms, "Mom, Dad, this is Eve, she's from Neptune" he said, as i smiled. "It's nice to meet you both" i said, as they smiled. "The pleasure is ours! it's nice to know that Adam has someone who's human as well, a person who knows how he feels and what he's going through" his mother said, as i smiled. 

We then ate dinner, as Adam brought back some of the fruits and vegetables we picked from his favorite garden. "Also, Eve we were so sorry to hear what happened to your parents, you can stay with us as long as you need" his father said. "Oh no, i don't wanna put you guys in anymore danger" i said, as they shook there heads. "Sweetheart we've been in danger our entire lives, but we love Adam, and if he loves you, you're worth protecting too" his mother said, as i blushed hearing her say those words. 

A little while later, Adam showed me the guest bedroom, but as he did so, we heard guardians knocking on the front door down the hall. Adam and i hid in a closet, as he closed the door. "Guardians! to what do we owe the pleasure" Adam's father asked, as the guardians stepped inside. "We're looking for a shape shifter, maybe you've seen her?" they asked, as they showed a hollogram to his parents of me from there suits. They were speaking a different language though, and since we were down the hall and a bit far away, my suit couldn't translate. 

Adam then translated for me, "she's very dangerous and harmful" Adam whispered to me, as i became terrified. Footsteps started coming down the hall, my heart was pounding, as Adam wrapped his arms around me. The foot steps then stopped, as they turned back around. "It's okay" Adam whispered, as i buried my face into his chest. I tried to steady my breathing, as my heart was still racing, i knew we were both in danger now. It wasn't just me anymore. "If they're gonna take you, they're taking me too" he said, as i tightened my grip on his shirt for comfort. 

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