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The feeling just got worse and worse. I couldn't even process Rafe Cameron standing infront of me because my throat closing up and the nausea in my stomach distracted me from the one thing I'd never imagined to happen again. Seeing him.

"I have to go to the bathroom." I softly mumbled, forcing all the alcohol to stay in my stomach and avoiding eye contact at all costs. The music downstairs was so loud my whole body vibrated along with the rattling of the floor I stood on, as well as cheers from groups of boys watching the football and glass getting smashed either in fights or clumsiness.

I barged past him, now remembering where the bathroom was and hating myself for not knowing before. I actually just hated myself for even coming to this house. Why did I do this to myself?

I locked the door, falling to my knees and immediately emptying the contents within my stomach and grew thankful of the music that clouded the sound of my gags, the vomit splashing upon the water at the bottom of the toilet. I wiped my mouth with the back of my hand, breathlessly resting my shoulder against the cold tiles of the wall and closing my eyes, wishing the world would stop spinning and my stomach would settle.

And it did.

When I opened my eyes again everything was better. I could see straight, and stand up without the fear of collapsing. I ran my hands under the warm tap water and glanced to myself in the mirror, careful to steer my eyes away from the sick dripping from my fingers. I still looked good though, atleast. I grabbed what I assumed to be Kelce's sister hairbrush and ran it through my long silk hair, ready to go again and throw some more wine down me.

I reached the bottom of the stairs, back to square one as strangers ran past me in one direction screaming 'fight' and another crowd around the tv screaming 'goal'. I think I knew which group I'd rather be apart of. None.

By myself as usual, the time where things were best, I strolled into the kitchen and poured myself a glass of wine because at that point I despised the fact I was sober enough to think about Rafe, and I wanted to forget. It was done now. I'd seen him. Nothing else has to be said or done.

"I fucking knew it" my brother laughed from behind me, so I spun around and rolled my eyes at his boozed up eyes and the cocky smile he held every time he had a sip of alcohol. "I hate to say it but you were right, guess I can never miss a party"
"You've been drinking since this afternoon haven't you" he highly judged, eyeing my glass of wine.
"Well technically I just threw it all up so I don't count anything before that" I laughed, slightly jumping at the loud cheer from the group of boys round the Tv. "When you gonna learn to handle your drink?" my brother laughed before strolling to his friends and slumping onto the sofa next to Barry, the one person who I literally prayed I would not make eye contact with because of his desire to be the most dramatic person on this whole island.


andddd there it was.

The boy screamed, his curls bouncing as he jumped from his seat that he'd secured on the sofa by bribing whoever was sat there before him with a bag of coke and a beer.

"Where the fuck you been" he basically shouted and forced me into a hug. He smelt strongly of vodka, and weed.

"It's not been that long" I chuckled and accepted the drink he offered me, as my glass of wine was finished within 20 seconds. 

"Feels like forever. We've missed you" he stated, and I was taken aback by the serious message on his face.

It was unlike Barry to be serious, in any situation. Everything was a joke to him. But the one thing I asked myself the most was the the fuck was 'we'?

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