Chapter 3

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Darkness consumed the room as players slept. The room was silent and all that could be heard was everyone deep in sleep. Everyone, but Reki.

Reki was feeling restless, scared and above it all, Guilty. He couldn't help but feel as though this was all his fault. Dragging Langa into all this because of his selfish desires.

As much as Reki tried to pretend that he was doing everything with the intent to benefit Langa, deep down he knew that he was doing all this to benefit himself. All because he couldn't bear to see Langa leave. Just the thought made Reki's stomach tighten.

But the realization of knowing that he put Langa into complete danger, which could lead to death, made Reki feel physically sick. Reki sat up holding his mouth, feeling nauseated. He swiftly pulled the covers off himself and ran to the door where the guards came out.

Reki tried to pull the door, but it wouldn't budge. He knocked on the door, hoping he might get a response from someone. After a countless amount of banging, the door was opened.

"What do you want?" One of the guards questioned.

"I need to go to the washroom." was all Reki couldn't get out as he held his mouth.

The more Reki stood at the door, the more ill he felt. The guard noticed how pale Reki's face was becoming. The guard began to motion Reki over but stopped when they noticed someone standing behind him.

" And what do you want?" The guard began to question them as well.

" I need to use the washroom too." Langa stated with a dry response.

The guard lead the two through a hallway and showed them to the washroom. Once inside, Reki ran to the nearest toilet and began to puke. After placing a hand on Reki's back, Langa gently rubbed his thumb against it, in a way to comfort him.

" I'm so sorry." Reki kept repeating in between his heaving.

Langa remained silent as he continued to rub Reki's back. It wasn't that Langa didn't want to say anything, he just knew it was the best for Reki at that moment. Reki was trying his best to keep his emotions to him for so long. Langa was a bit relieved to see Reki being more vulnerable.

" This is all my fault. I should have never convinced you to come. I should have never brought you here. I hate myself for doing this to you. Langa, I am so sorry." Reki's voice cracked as tears blurred his vision.

Langa pulled Reki into an embrace, causing Reki's tears to escape his eyes. Langa still didn't say a word, but just hugged Reki tighter. Reki hesitated at first, but slowly hugged Langa back.

" I won't lie to you by saying that I'm neither upset nor terrified. But, I will say that I don't think you should be blaming yourself like this. It's not your fault Reki. How were you supposed to know?" Langa tried to reason with him, " Please Reki, talk to me about how you're feeling instead of hiding it. I'm your best friend, I would have with you if you liked it or not, you don't need to keep apologizing to me."

The boys sat on the bathroom floor together, neither of them not knowing what to say. Reki Looked up at Langa whose face looked so relaxed. Langa noticed Reki's staring gaze and just smiled at him in response.

"How are so calm right now?" Reki wondered as he watched the blue-haired boy.

"I always feel calm when I'm by your side. I find being in your presence calms my nerves." Langa openly admitted.

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⏰ Last updated: Mar 10, 2022 ⏰

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