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"The Payday crew has struck again- *Static* We need help *Static* They are winning and there is no escape. *Static* Please send help!"

The broadcast had been shown all over the news. The most infamous crew known to man was called 'The Payday crew' or as many of the police officers referred to them... Clowns. They wore masks, really stupid masks, funny masks, intimidating masks, or sometimes just sunglasses. It was the same set of members over and over again. Although sometimes it would be different. Nonetheless it seemed like the Payday crew was larger than just four people but that's how many people could complete a heist just by themselves. One police officer was interested in the group. They evaded capture from SWAT members and even the leader of the crew was unknown. None of the police had a single clue as to who these people were. Then the Staticy recording that had come through just hours ago when a bank was being robbed had piqued the police officers' interest. He never had enjoyed his job. It was boring and despite how many hours he continued to work people still didn't respect him. He was just another police officer jumping into danger, who would care about him if he ended up dead?

Those kinds of thoughts made him continue his research into the Payday crew. His knowledge grew and he was ready for what he needed to do. He stood up from his desk and grabbed his badge. The name on the gold metallic read 'Chief' the creator of the badge clearly didn't care to finish the name. He pinned it to his shirt. He began to make his way out the building when his radio went off.

"Please send help" More static "They are at First world bank" Fear and panic penetrated the voice. "This is not a drill, The Clowns are here I repea-," The voice that contained pure terror and fear had cut off. He swallowed and ran out the front doors. Rain pounded on his back as he didn't have time to pull out an umbrella. He jumped into his car and ignited the engine. He turned on the radio and twisted the knob to the local news station. He pulled out of the parking lot as rain beat against his window. The news report began playing.

"Breaking news; The payday crew has struck again. They are currently robbing the First World Bank." A quick left turn. "The police are being overrun and need immediate help." Another quick left. Followed by a swift right. "The First World Bank is in a difficult location, making it difficult for many swat members to make it. It all relies on the police force of Washington DC." 

He pulled up to the front of the bank and stopped his car just a few inches from the stairs that led up to the front doors. He slowly made his way to the back of the Bank. Slowly and carefully. Not bothering to use his umbrella as he got pelted with rain. He entered through one of the broken windows on the side of the building. He could hear gunshots coming from the main part of the bank.

"Laff can I get some help over here?" A voice called from nearby. The vault they're trying to get into the vault. He told himself.

    "Be there in a second!" He heard a voice respond very close by. His hand instinctively went down to where his belt was to grab his pistol till he realized he didn't have it on him. He closed his eyes and leaned up against the desk that was in the small office he had made it into.

    "I'm going to die, I'm going to die, I'm going to die." He chanted in a low tone. His stomach churned. This was a stupid desicon why had he come here there was no point and now he was going to die. Slain by a bunch of clowns. His breathing grew rapid and he tried to calm himself down to no avail.

"Are you alright?" A voice asked him. He jumped in his panic and turned to see someone crouching next to him with a gas mask on. He felt a scream of terror rise in his throat but he forced it back down. "I'm so sorry,  did I startle you?" the thief asked politely. It was a strange interaction that he didn't expect. "I'm Laff. What's your name?" Laff asked, extending a hand. The chief accepted the hand and was pulled to his feet. There was a shout for help and Laff turned to look at the vault with the drill still jammed into the door. A policeman stood next to one of the Clowns who had his hands cuffed behind his back.  He instantly ducked back down into the cover of the desk realizing that if he got caught by the police he would either be expected to shoot Laff and then cuff him or surrender and be taken to prison. Laff noticed him cowering behind the desk and crouched down next to him. "What's wrong?" he asked.

"They'll recognize me surely," The chief  said, "I don't want to push it." Then Laff handed him a space helmet out of nowhere.

"Take this, it'll hide your identity."  Laff told him. "You can come back with me and we can both work for!"

      The chief already knew if he accepted the helmet he would be giving up his position at a job he hated. Working with people who hated him, and having no friends or work in a much more riskier environment. He had been chasing after the Payday gang for years now and he was finally being  offered the job he wanted. He wanted to work with Laff; he wanted to be able to do whatever he wanted. So he made up his mind.

"By the way. Call me Socks." Socks said grabbing the space helmet. He slid it on his head and realized he could still see just fine.

"Well then Socks, I think we're gonna get along just fine." Laff responded.


So I have no self control. Don't worry I'm gonna upload the rest once I'm done with the entire story.

Besides the 1st chapter.


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