Chapter 13

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My heart was racing from all of the excitement. I haven't felt this alive in a long time. I almost got captured. Charlie came to my rescue and protected me. I still feel a little dumb about putting us in this position.

You've almost gotten us killed! Do you even know what they will do to us? They will put those shards in our heads and control us! That's what they're doing to these poor animals around here. "

OK, I deserve that. But that was my sister. I can't leave her there with those people! So stop yelling at me. You do not understand how siblings work. Since you're the only child, Did I go too far? "I had a sister once, but she died from cancer. They couldn't cure her here. My father tried to contact our mother, but she didn't respond. So my sister died in my arms. "I'm so sorry Charlie. I didn't mean to.

"Save it. I'm going inside. We can figure out what to do tonight."

I screamed! Gosh, I messed up my chance to be with Charlie. Why does my sister always have to ruin it? If we stuck together, none of this would've happened and we could get off of this island! And that stupid monster thing that is half whatever needs to be killed before this fog can be lifted. I kick my feet onto a nearby wall. Charlie's Grandma came up to me.

Oh my dear, Do not worry about my grandson. He will come around. He just hates seeing the girl he loved feeling so depressed." I wrapped my arms around her and began to cry. I haven't cried in so long that all my tears were pouring down all at once.

I'm a horrible person. My parents should've put me up for adoption."

"Your parents raised you well. We will get your sister back and get you two home in no time. You just need to hold on just a little bit longer."

How long?

In due time, my child, we will prepare and fight. Fight for this island, our clan, and the many dinosaurs that live on this island with us."

OK, I said. This is a waiting game. I want us to be as fully prepared as possible so this operation can go smoothly with no hiccups. I needed to check on Charlie to see how he was doing and apologized. "Hey, Char, can we talk please?"

"Sure, whatever." I opened the door and Charlie was sitting on his bed with his head down. I sat down next to him.

"Look, I am sorry for everything, OK? I do love you, and I'll try to be more considerate of your feelings. Will you please forgive me? " I did my puppy eyes, hoping he would fall for these old tricks.

"Of course, I'll forgive you, Em. I love you and I do care about you a lot." I was so happy to hear those words. All of my concerns vanished for the rest of the night.

Yawn! Sunrise hit and Charlie was sleeping next to me half-naked. I was in my underwear. We had a lot of fun last night. Now, where did I put my clothes? I saw my clothes on the floor. Whoops, I picked them up and got changed before Charlie could open his eyes.

He looks so cute when he is asleep. I didn't want to wake him up, but I had to.

"Good morning, beautiful. Thank you for waking me up. " I smiled and we kissed a little longer.

Mmm, I am starving. What are we having for breakfast? Did your grandma make her favorite stew? "Nope, sadly, we're having eggs and bacon. That's the best we could do for now." Bacon and eggs are my favorite breakfast. It was a beautiful morning today. Let me remind you that I haven't forgotten about my sister. We're still going to rescue her when the time is right. Those guys look tough and way ahead of us, so I needed to get stronger and faster.

"All right, Charlie. I am ready for my training. " I jumped out of the stool and headed outside to the training area to wait for him. Did Charlie come out with some herbs? And a bowl? What are we going to do with those? "First, you need to learn how to craft a remedy and a health kit. When you're surrounded, when you're in the middle of a fight and need to heal up quickly, you can hide behind the tree and make your herbs from there."

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