{Moving to a new town} Chapter (1)

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"Get the last box, Ady!" my mother says as she's struggling herself with a handful of boxes. My younger sister, Katlyn, is still clutching the railing to the stairs of our house. Well, it's no longer our house, but it was. I grab the box with my right hand and grab Katlyn's hand with my left. "C'mon, Katy. We're going to our new house now. You liked it there, remember?" I say softly to my nine-year-old sister. Sometimes I swear she acts as if she is four years old but that's ok. She nods and we walk to my mother's car. I put the box into the trunk and get into the passenger side seat. "This is going to be good for us, ok Adelaide?" my overly hopeful mother asks looking at me with pleading eyes. I smile slightly and nod. She smiles widely as if I told her she won twenty-thousand dollars a week and she starts the car.

It has been raining for an hour or so now and I'm enjoying the sound. Katlyn is napping in the back seat and I'm sitting here with my head leaned over on the window and the book Cujo by Stephen King out of my small black and white striped drawstring backpack on my lap. There is a clap of thunder and a second later a large flash of lightning. A small whimper erupts from the backseat so I look back to see a now fully awake Katlyn is curled up in a ball. "It's ok, Katy. Just a storm," I reassure my sister. She nods and I turn back around looking at my mother. Her hands are wrapped tightly around the wheel and eyes closely fixated on the road. No one would believe she is my mother if you saw us out in public. She has tan skin and dark, milk chocolate like eyes. She is quite short, too. Her curly brown hair drapes softly on her shoulders and frames her heart-shaped face. Whilst I have the same tan skin from being outside so often that is our only alike feature. I am fairly tall standing at five feet nine inches and I have long, thick red hair that is straight as a ruler that reaches down below my butt. I have cobalt blue eyes that, according to my mother, match my father's eyes perfectly. My sister, on the other hand, is a complete mystery. She has raven black hair that she prefers to stay long so we only get it trimmed. She has curly hair that reaches the middle of her back and bright, forest green eyes. She has the same tan skin as our mother and me but she has freckles dotting her face. I put my book down after marking my page seeing as it's getting dark. We finally reach our new house only minutes later and we hastily run inside. We open the door and walk into the small, cottage-like house. My german sheperd, Alexandrea-named after Asking Alexandrea-comes running towards us. I pat her with my free hand and put the box next to the door. Mom flips a switch and an over-head light to the small living room turns on. I grab Katy's hand and say, "Mom, I'm going to go get Katy and me settled into our rooms, ok?" she nods and Katy and I walk up the stairs to our rooms. Our rooms, due to Katy's request, are side-by-side. I walk into her room first and turn on a small lamp to see her purple room. "Here you go Katy bug," I say. "Can I stay in your room tonight?" she asks tentitively. "Sure," I say. She smiles and we walk over to my baby blue room. I flip on my bedside table lamp and say, "I'm going to go get some pajamas, why don't you go change and meet me back in here?" She nods and skips off to her room. I grab my box that says 'pajamas' on it and walk into my conjoining bathroom. I change into a pair of basketball shorts that are black with white stripes on the sides and a black tank top. I take my long hair out of it's pony tail and brush it out if my hands and braid it. I sigh and walk back into my bedroom where Katy is already sitting on my bed that has a lime green comforter and a soft, fuzzy purple blanket on it. I sit on the bed as well and grab the remote to my television turning on the fairly odd parents for Katy. I hop on the bed and soon fall asleep.

I jolt awake and listen carefully. I could have sworn I heard something. Suddenly I hear a scratching sound from the door and freeze. I carefully look over towards the door and see nothing! I shake my head but I still can't get over the fact that I woke up over a random sound. I look over at Katy's sleeping form and see she hasn't even stirred in her sleep. She always has been a sound sleeper. I yawn and fall back asleep, hopefully this time undisturbed.


Just needed to post the first chapter!!!! Sorry it's so short and soft, it'll get better, promise!!!! To the side, or if you're on a mobile device at the top, is L from death•note!!!!!!!!!! I Lovvvvvveeee L!!!!!!!!!

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