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I awake and feel flesh all around me. I start to panic until I remember the strange circumstances I find myself in. Once I've remembered I lay back and absorb the good vibes. It feels pleasant and I allow myself time to just lie there and soak it all in as the sun creeps toward the window and casts a pleasant light into the room. I stay perfectly still in my nirvana till the light intensifies and shines right on my face. There is no denying it anymore. It's time to get up.

"Good morning Jerry," Reba greets me and though I can't see her I know generally where she is, especially since her leg is still rubbing up against mine.

"Did you sleep well?" Rachel inquires after me and I can tell from her voice's projection that she is facing me.

"Rachel, Reba, it's so nice to see you this morning. That is, well, you know what I mean," I utter as I sit up.

"What shall we start with today?" Rachel queries and I feel her rise out of bed.

"Yes, we are eager to get started," Reba chimes in and I feel her sit up at the edge of the bed.

I scratch my chin a moment. "I think I should like to visit the library and do some research," I inform the two of them

"That is an excellent idea," Rachel declares and nods to her sister.

"An excellent idea indeed," Reba offers as she moves to the wall nearest the door and pulls on a chord hanging there.

The three of us return to the wardrobe where the night shirt comes off and my regular clothes come on. Just a simple pair of black slacks with a button up turquoise shirt which I leave the top the three buttons unbuttoned. A pair of tan slippers with hard soles so I have proper support when I'm walking around. Having fully dressed me, the sister's turn to the own attire and are quick to slip them on.

There is a knock upon the door.

"Come in," I bid the visitor on the other side of the door.

The door opens. "You summoned me sir?" the butler says as he floats in the doorway.

"Yes," I return and move closer to him. "We would like to visit the library."

"Of course sir," the butler replies. "Follow me."

The three of us leave our room and follow our guide through the labyrinth of halls, passing a myriad of statues, busts and paintings which I only catch glimpses of, but my brain doesn't register enough of the details for it to stick in my mind. We end at a large set of double doors which the butler opens for us and gestures us inside.

"I wish you happy hunting in your research," the butlers bids us as I pass by him. "And remember when you are finished just pull the chord and I'll show up forthwith." With that he shuts the door and we are on our own.

I find a nice, solid table to stack books on and I pour over the contents while the sisters scour the shelves for relevant tomes. I turn the pages with great anticipation as I read the words the scholars had inscribed. A whole week goes by before I've compiled enough information to start a proper timeline.

The history is sketchy the further back you go and really only gets started around the time the castle was built. The construction was overseen by the first official Lord whose territory was far greater than it is today according to the provided maps, spanning well into the other three kingdoms that make up the current territory on the other side of the great mountain range, a place known as Tarasgolode.

After that there were many generations that ruled over the land with the territory fluctuating and growing smaller as the different dynasties fought and practiced diplomacy in order to maintain what they had. But it was the dynasty prior to the current one that was well noted for tyrannical behaviors and practices.

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