love at first sight

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Eve POV: we get out the cab and walk to the door kiki handed the mane our tickets damn the mane said .. And we keep walking..  We see this woman tht calls kiki name and we walk over to her.  Hey girl .. The lady said hey Mrs... Angle thanks for the tickets . kiki said no problem hope y'all enjoy the show and after meet me .. Near the stag and I will take yhu to meet  cheif keef and Lil durk..  OK .. Kiki said. We went to  grab a spot in front of the stage.. Omg I can't believe I'm finna  to meet  cheif keef .. I said  screaming over the .. Loud ppl. . me either I can't  believe I get to see my. My bae.. Unh.. I said . then cheif keef and Lil durk come on stage they be gain the show off with decline. I was dancing and saying the lyrics...  Then cheif keef . did luv no thotties then colors and. . walk off stage then Lil durk did like me and Wat yhu do to me.. Then wen the show was over. We went near the stage to meet ms. Angle.  Hey guys did y'all like the show we said yes. Well come on and let go meet them. We follow her to the back in to this hug room and there stand. Lil durk and cheif keef. My heart drop . omg I can't believe I'm finna meet cheif keef.. Ikr.. Kiki said..   Cheif keef POV:

Me and durk went back stage after the show and we were talking to our manger .. And in comes angle with two girls ... Damn they was bad asf.. I mean ... Stupid bad I was staring at the one  with the fat ahh.. I mean baby had ass for years boii.  And I tap on durk.. In pointed to the girls tht was with angle and he starts smiling. And we walk over to them.  Wassup angle who them I said .. Well these or my . friend daughters they really wanted to meet y'all .. But I got to go talk to y'all manger .. I see y'all later she said we huge her and she left.

So wats y'all name. I said with a smile and moved the dreed out my face. The one I wanted said eve and the other one said kiarra but yhu can call me kiki. Well I'm chief keef . and thts Lil durk.. We knoe who y'all r  eve said. I bet yhu do . I said and eve started blushing. Why yhu blushing shorty.  Idk..mmm y'all from here durk said  . no we just moved up here kiki said. Well how about y'all give us yhur number..  And we will show y'all aroud our city. The agreed and me and eve exchang numbers and so did. Durk and kiki  well we got to go i I will text yhu shorty. Wen we get on the bus.  OK eve said and I kissed . her cheek I look over and see durk grabbing kiki wast and whispering sumn in her .. Hear w.e it was it made her bit hear lips.  Me and eve laughed..  And me and durk walk away.  Man shorty might be the one.. I said . my self.

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