The weird but actual start

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Hello Im frodoriya! and this is probaly gonna be the first and last time you see me speak in first person! But as you know quirks originated hundred of years ago getting stronger and stronger each generation! how ever something was diffrent Quirkless people still had quirks? let me explain You see Quirkless people can jump high and propel themsevles For a long distances It would cost stamina how ever But because of these 2 things with the help of support items you COULD be a hero But you had to be really strong Im talking Insanely strong and be able to take punches and attacks from all sorts of villians how ever in my case I was scrawny (really weak) and there was only 1 person I looked up to the most and that was ALL BLACK! he always helped people with a smile on his face and put here safety before his I would watch a looped video of him saving people oh wait I think my first person time is running out! nooooooooooooo

Any ways As you heard from frodoriya he was a really great all black fan he loved every hero but all black was his fave One day would be the day his whole life flipped But not the way Izuku did Cause (you can still be a hero) as Frodoriya was getting ready to pack his bag some one took his chiken! his big old chicken leg he was ready to eat it after school he then saw it Blackugo eating HIS chicken leg BRUH THATS MY CHICKEN LEG! Oh what are you gonna do about it Frodoriya fight me for it? his goons laughed Frodoriya was beyond Ferious he Took Blackugos sh!t for to long He dashed towards him SQUARE UP! FIGHT ME HAND TO HAND! Oh nah ill pass Now im blowing yo a$$ up for that one as Blackugo got closer with stuff explosions popping out his hand Frodoriya stood his ground in a fighting stance he waited and waited and then now is my shot he punched Blackugo! Blackugo was beyond P!ssed off at this point he held Frodoriya bye his shirt and started beating him over and over and over again DIE FRODROIYA! DIE DIE DIE DIE DIE! frodoriya coudldn't see and was angry he hated Blackugo You finished frodoriya? nnngghh i... am sick... of Yo SH!T! he punched hard on blackugo and got him on the ground repeatly punching him but in response he Exsplodes Frodoriya in his stomach flying back a little I hate you Blackugo! I am gonna beat you one day and I wont stop till- shut up Frodoriya the only reason your alive is cause Im gonna be number 1 and I will frown down on you every time I give a speech lets go Extras as blackugo walked away with his goons frodriya took the short way home thats when he saw it covered in it and dying in it? GHGUKHJBJBJNMJM stop struggling it only makes it longer! GHYGJBHJNMBUKJHNIKJHN thats when right when he was about to die he saw ALL BLACK!? SMASH! he called out casing the sludge to go everywhere 

Hey young man! wake up! GAH ALL BLACK in the flesh young man! I have something to ask you what is it? do you think that I can be a hero! even if im quirkless! Boy I worked with a quirkless hero I belive you can But you have to get stronger and Intill you can find a way to escape danger you must put your dream on hold! oh and before I go You need the heart of hero! as all Black started flying away with the bottles in hands he realized something Dosen't this creature have eyes? as frodriya walked away He thought to himself Heart of a hero 

Meanwhile with Blackugo 

hey blackugo why are you smoking stfu! You will ruin my hero carrier! Oh boy I belive its already ruined! what who said that show your self! Then a giant green booger like creature hopped out the alley way and covered Blackugo NTFUVYTG EGF^TUGU GO TO HEDYT he tried to yell blasting Explosions everywere All black heard this and was already out of stamina so basically was going as fast as he could to the area he Then saw it The Scrawny boy throwing his backpack at the monsters face and trying his best to to get Blackugo out of there FRODRIYA!? WHAT WHY ARE YOU TRYING TO SAVE ME!? cause thats what heros DO! as frodoriya countinues to beat the sludge with his backpack All black Pulls up and Yanks Blackugo out of the booger monster SMAASSH the sludge went everywere this time however he made sure the eyes AND mouth were in the bottle as the other heros Slightly scolded Izuku All Black stepped in picked up the boy and flew jumped away All Black! what are you doing!? I have something to tell you boy Now close your eyes and your mouth Frodoriya did as he was told and shortly after they landed on the ground Boy what is your Name Nizuku Frodoriya Young Frodoriya You have the heart of a hero would you like to have my power? Frodriya didnt hesitate and automaticaly said YES follow me young man they headed to a beach Pick up all this trash young frodoriya Take jogs and work on your phsical strength All black arent you gonna help me? HAH No young man here take these papers They are you exsercice plan! After a few months Hinko got worried Nizuku were are you going everyday after school? and why do you look so tired when you get home your not with any girls are you?! your to young to do stuff like that and- Mom im training for something big! Oh well thanks for telling me aslong as you dont Join gangs Im okay with it okay just make sure to tell me! Yes mom! 1000 words! sorry lets go back to story after Izuku trained with All black it was the day before UA entrence exam Young frodoriya I see what you did with this beach! this is what you used to look like! see your body development! wow I really looked like that! yep weak and scrawny I thought it would be dumb to give your one for all during the entrance exam date you need to digest it and Learn a few things! Before you even ask The way you use One for all You clench your fist tighten your cheeks and yell SMASH so how do I get it and what do you mean by digest? all might priked his hair and said young frodoriya! eat this WHHAATT there has to be another way You wanna suck my blood out of my finger? uh Ill eat the hair come on youngg frodoriya open up! 


So how does it taste? I tried dumping my head In some Ramen! All black thats gross... Hey I didnt waste it either! Look i already ate the hair if i throw up I dont know if I can stomach myself to do it again! well young frodoriya Go outside wake up early and try mastering your quirk Yes sir

Frodriya took All blacks advice Unlike Izuku Midoriya who couldn't really do anything during entrance exam Frodoriya knew more about one for all he knew how he could use it as a advantage for moves he had to use automatically could be merged with his gift quirkless people already have and smash twice without breaking his arm He only knew after 1 smash he would feel a pain in his arm and didnt wanna risk breaking it before the Exam 

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