stain arc

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frodoriya was on the train texting hochacho as he was getting closer to U.A intill sudenly A Passenger Got the whole train on him

hey guys look its the kid that scored 2nd place!

he was crowded women children men alike

was the U.a sports festival hard?

Your so cute and funny can I have your number?

But thankfully Nida was on the train and got frodoriya out of there

Nida this isnt our stop!

Its best to be at school 10 Minutes early I know you Have A speed enhancing quirk follow me!

as they ran threw the city Frodoriya asked nida a question

Um nida is your brother gonna be okay? nida responds with that his brother will heal from his wounds he just has a low chance of doing hero work again And that he apoligizes for having the class having Unnecerray Concerens

when they get to class everyone starts talking about the attention they got from the U.A sports festival

but everyone hurries back to there seats as they see Blaizawa enter the room with 0 bandages

he tells everyone its the hero Bla bla bla period And that everyone needs a name he also adds that Hidnight will be In the room because Of some reason I forgot and Im not looking back at The wiki

they have 15 minutes to decide there hero names

everyone has got the hero names except Blackugo (who has to rename himself) Frodoriya and Frenya (nida) nida is still conflicited wether or not to use his brothers hero name But eventually desides he will use his own and when frodoriya shows everyone his hero name The class ask if he is SURE he wants to name himself that?

Frodoriya desides BLEKU black Nizuku and a E just because But it was also a nickname that Blackugo called Him before he found out he was quirkless

hochacho like the name while Blackugo eyed Frodoriya

Meanwhile with ALL BLACK

All black was chilling in the teachers lounge with his 5 minute break all black had to visit or teach every single class in U.A he knew every student Every teacher everybody!

Cementos walked into the room He tells all black there are nominations for first years to train all black Completely forgot And was getting ready to send a Nomination to frodoriya! but cementos told him it was too late And that someone already nominated for him All black asked who And cementos reply sent Years of PTSD and trama nope not nana

Grand Frorino

all Black are you okay? your shaking

yes yes Im fine let me just give this to frodoriya in my free time

All black your spilling your coffee...

Oh It must be cold in here bbbrrr!! im gonna get paper towels to wipe it up!

All black went to the bathroom and was Conflicting with himself wether or not to let frodoriya TRAIN with grand Froino He would train him till he puked! and after that force him to eat it off the floor! not even his father trained him that harshly!

All black was scared for frodoriya What would his MOTHER think about this!? could frodoriya take it!? He is no where as strong as he was when HE was trained by Frorino! 

after school all Black rushed to frodoriya after class was over and gave him the slip telling him he was nominated by gran Frorino and that he worked at U.A for 1 year and was close to his prodoscer (yeah i spelt it wrong) but he is now in retirement

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⏰ Last updated: Jan 03, 2023 ⏰

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