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In a land stuck between day and night, there was a kingdom led by a fearsom king. He waged war to nearby kingdoms of light and darkness and conquered chief-less lands to expand territory. He was dubbed "The Tyrant King of Dawn" reigning for 15 years now.

I am his daughter. My Queen mother gave her life to bring me into this world and is looked upon by the whole kingdom as a hero, dedicating her short life to bring an heir to the throne.

But I did not grow up alone. I have you. My retainer, my training partner and best friend. You were the second son of the vassal family, closest ally to my father. We got the same level of education. Thus, our outlook in life is very much the same. But you were more mature than I am, I think. Maybe because you are 3 years my senior.

I only like to study if I don't have to read and write. It was you who got me into literacy, saying a future queen should hold her quill like she wields her sword. It stuck with me. Although, I still don't like to read, I had the convenience to keep you around and read for me. I like how you bring life into what you read aloud. It feels less mundane.

As you and I took up much more physical training, in hopes that you join the army in the near future, and me for self defense; your older brother joins to train with us in secret. You hated this because you feel like he is overshadowing you. That's how I see it. I like your brother, but not as much as I like you. He is the eldest but to me, he doesn't shine that bright. He says that clergy work is suffocating him and would like to join the corps instead.

We gave each other a look knowing this is not possible. Eldest sons of nobles take the role of a clergyman to honor the Their Guidance. But we let him. The more, the merrier.

Until one day, while the whole kingdom is busy preparing for my upcoming birthday feast, you confide in me about something you've kept for years.

Inevitable: A History from BeyondWhere stories live. Discover now