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Virat and Rohit were looking at Mahi with so much emotions that they themselves weren't able to control it. But Mahi was concerned about the decisions they took.

Mahi asked angrily - "Why are u taking break Virat ? What will u achieve by that ? What do u want to prove ? Do u know how difficult it will be come back ? Have u thought about it?"

Virat was so hurt by his words. He never wanted to prove anything. He whispered- "I don't want to come back" (but everyone heard that )
He just sits on the couch .. buries his head in his hands .. closes his eyes trying to imagine what will happen when he will play without his Bhai .. He just could not see anything .. darkness all around .. he was feeling that he was stuck in some black hole.

Virat was not able to understand what was happening. He was just trying to get back up from that hole. He tried taking deep breaths.

Rohit replied back to Mahi - "This is nothing to prove to anyone.. it's his decision."

Mahi snapped back - "Ohh really ! Then tell me the reason why u both are quitting IPL "

Rohit got so angry seeing the state of Virat and listening to Mahi's words so he snapped - "Because if we can't see u in blues anymore then we don't want to see u on the field playing for any other be it any franchise .. And we don't want any interaction on the field anymore .. that's the reason .. okay .. u heard it"

Bhuvi went towards Rohit and said - "Calm down Rohit"

Mahi was just about to explode on them to think like that

Dada stopped Mahi before any more damage can be done. He nodded in a No to Mahi and told him to go outside.
Dada told them - "Whatever decision has to be taken .. it will be after this series. And that's my final word. Take care of yourself. U have match in two days."
Saying this Dada left and took Mahi to his house.

Rohit sat beside Virat who was still trying to calm himself. Rohit rubbed his back .. "Calm down Vi .. please calm down"
Rohit signalled Jaddu to bring water.
Rohit side hugged him and tried to calm him down. Virat kept mumbling- "It's all dark Ro .. it's all dark .. bhai is not there"

Rohit didn't understand what he was trying to say. He just rubbed his arm and passed him water.
Rohit asked - "What's dark Vi ?"
Virat just mumbled- "Everything.. there is no light anymore Ro"

No one understood what he was trying to say including Rohit. But he sat there trying to calm him down.
After some time Virat calmed down.

Virat asked slowly to Bhuvi and others - "How are the kids ? Are they okay ?"

Bhuvi said softly - "They are okay .. bhai made them understand"

Jaddu said - "I know it is hard and it's very difficult for us specially and more for u both. Please think about it once okay"

Rohit and Virat didn't say anything on that. Virat excused himself and went to attend a call.

Ash asked - Rohit what's wrong ?  Virat seems totally lost

Rohit - "I myself don't know Ash .. he is taking it too hard more than me and not able to cope up with it .. something is clearly bothering him about this means I don't know what he is thinking .. I am not able to understand.. "

Dada brought Mahi to his house .. made him sit and gave him water. Meanwhile Jammy bhai arrived.

Mahi said - "Why did u stop me Dada ?"

Dada - "What should I have done then ? U were snapping at them and they were responding back .. u were fighting with them ... do u really want your conversation like that when ur kids are vulnerable.. their emotions are All over the place .. can't u see that ... u have to think calmly Mahi"

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