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The people at Requiem were embarrassed. Indeed, they talked for a long time, and no one told Lin Yexian that the other party was a man.

The man was tall and handsome, about twenty-seven or eighteen, Lin Yexian pondered that his height was only about his shoulders, and he had no advantage at all. The man's hair and eyes are black, just like the black jade seal, the bridge of the nose is high, the lips are thin, the waist is narrow and the legs are long, and he wears a black gown, which is a very retro style. The expressionless face gives people a sense of alienation, and at first glance, he is not an active and enthusiastic person.

Lin Yexian didn't sense danger from him, which was very important.

Xiangyi Zhai was silent for a while, but the deputy director spoke first: "Ye Xian, you can't blame us for this fact, and we didn't expect that the person who used the forbidden technique actually matched you with a man." The head of the

registration department He also hurriedly said, "Yes. But don't worry, we have already done the backtracking, and people are definitely fine, you can rest assured." The

old director smiled a few times to hide his embarrassment and said, "Ye Xian, let me introduce you to me. This is He Chongze. Because he has just been awakened, he doesn't know much about modern society. Our Requiem has already given him some training, but he will have to teach him more in the future. He slept underground for a few days. You can rest assured that you haven't done anything bad in a hundred years."

Lin Yexian remained silent. What the hell is this Touma? Although he doesn't have a particular preference for men and women, and he hasn't considered this aspect since he was born, it's hard for him to suddenly get a male marriage partner for him, right?

Seeing that Lin Yexian and He Chongze didn't speak, Bi Fang thought about it and asked Lin Yexian tentatively, "Aren't you taking on all jobs? Just take it as the work arranged by the Requiem for you. Apply for a subsidy?"

Was he shocked because the subsidy was low? ! Of course not!

Just listen to Lin Yexian say: "How much?"

No one will have a hard time with money. What's more, this He Chongze looks like he can't do anything, so what's the matter with more subsidies?

Bi Fang looked at the director, he could apply for this matter, but he could not decide.

The director heard that there was something to be said for this, and immediately said: "I will make the decision, and I will give you another two thousand!"

"Okay!" Lin Yexian agreed immediately.

He Chongze's eyes moved slightly, looked at Lin Yexian, and asked, "You are not human?" Lin Yexian twitched the

corner of his mouth: "Don't force Lai Lai, are you okay?"


He Chongze suddenly smiled and didn't ask any more questions.

Lin Yexian said to the people at Requiem again: "Hurry up and study how to break the forbidden technique. Don't think that if I agree, you can be lazy."

"Rest assured, we will do our best." Bi Fang replied.

After sending off the people from the Requiem, Lin Ye pointed to the chair opposite him: "Sit down, we have to talk."

He Chongze did not object and sat opposite him.

Lin Yexian asked, "How much do you know about me?" He Chongze

[MTL, BL] Evil Spirit, He Will Take Any JobWhere stories live. Discover now