Chapter 3- Freak no more

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Okay so um I hope you all like this story.... I'm really getting into it honestly! ^o^ enjoy!!!!



"where the fuck do you thing you're going freak?"

I abruptly sped up then tears began welling up in my eyes. I turned around and faced the jock from earlier that day.

"ya know it wasn't very nice of you to act they way you did earlier bitch... I think I should give you some pay back, don't ya think?"

"not really douche bag...."

The group laughed then the lead jock spoke again,

"how cute, she thinks it's her choice" he began laughing and then he whispered to the group. Then they all walked toward me and pushed me to the ground, one girl held my arms and a guy held my legs, then they began writing on my arms with permanent marker... 'stupid emo whore' 'ugly ass bitch' 'un-loved freak' then the other girl sat on me, a knee on each side of me, and punched me in the face and as she got up she kneed me in the stomach. Before getting in the car once more the last jock kicked me in the side, then they drove off without hesitation. Leaving me lying alone on the side of the road.

My eyes slowly started to close, welled up with tears, when I heard a familiar yet faint voice calling my name. I looked up to see Frank and Gerard kneeled over me, worry plastered on their face, helping me over to their black car.

"Anna! Anna can you hear me? Anna!!!" I opened my eyes, this time seeing more clearly and cringing in pain. Frank winced and cried out in worry

"Anna what happened? I thought you said you were going to your friends house? Why didn't you call? I thought you'd be safe? Oh my gosh why did I let you go... We could've have prevented this!"

I was about to speak when an overwhelming pain took over as I remembered hitting my head hard on a rock when being pushed onto the ground just minutes before.

Soon the pain over took me and I fell unconscious in Frank's arms. Sleep clouding me.


I awoke on a couch in what seemed to be a hotel. I noticed a tattooed arm wrapped firm around my waist as I attempted to get up from the couch. The arm belonged to Frank... I was lying on a couch, asleep, at a hotel with MCR... Snuggled up to Frank Iero? This caught me by surprise and apparently Frank noticed too. He rose from his position and smiled at me, walking to the kitchen and pouring some coffee.

"you gave us quite the scare back there Anna, besides the fact that you are super cute when you're sleeping, you have a whole damn lot of explaining to do. Would you like some?" he raised the coffee pot. I shook my head, not in the mood for coffee. Gerard walked out of the bathroom followed by Mikey and Ray coming in through the hallway. I sat up, noticing I was changed into new clothes. A Pencey Prep tank top and... Boxers? Frank blushed deeply and Gerard stifled a laugh

"Your clothes were a bit dirty so we gave you new ones... Frank here insisted on giving you his to wear, and changing you too" Frank cleared his throat, face scarlet with embarrassment. My face flushed red as well. Gerard chuckled. He motioned or me to come sit with him and the guys at the table so I rises from the couch and sat next to Mikey.

"so Anna, would you like to explain why you were lying on the side of the road, bleeding and beaten? With nasty words written on you too."

I glanced down to my arms, seeing faded black marker on them with cruel sayings.

"it was just some kids from school"

Franks eyes widened

"who the fuck would do that? How the hell is that even funny to them? Damn some teenagers are just fucking sick"

Franks angry rant was in fact true. Some teenagers, and people in general were sick. I was unfortunate enough to have to deal with a lot of them.

"they were just jocks... No big deal, i'm fine."

"well I doubt that, when I um, changed you... I saw all the bruises and cuts, they're a lot worse than we thought. You didn't tell me you had been beaten that horribly! And why weren't you at your friends house?"

I froze up, I hadn't wanted to lie but I had to

"umm well uh... I-I.... She moved away a few years ago, I lied because I didn't want you to be concerned and worried about me. I didn't want to be a problem."

"a problem? Anna it would have never been a problem! The problem is that you didn't let us help you! Now look! You just got yourself hurt even more!"

Frank cooled down a bit and continued

"Annalise you can stay with us as long as you want. Hell, you can stay with us forever if you wanted. We don't mind really!"

"yeah, especially Frankie here. He's grown a liking to you" Gerard winked at me and smiled,

"how old are you Anna?"

"i'm 17" he smiled at my reply and got up to get himself more coffee. Mikey did the same.

Franks face was beet red and I giggled. "so what's the plans for tody Gee?" Franks voice sounded nervous and shaky, obviously embarrassed from Gerard's outburst minutes before. "Frank I think we should stay here for today so Anna can recover a bit longer." Frank nodded and went and sat on the couch.

"I'm gonna stay here with you and i'm pretty sure Frank is too... Mikey and Ray are in the room next door so we should be good today. You okay Anna?"

I nodded and glanced at Frank, he patted the spot next to him suggestively.

I sat down next to Frank on the couch, peering at the vacant bit of space between us

"god Anna, get any closer and you'll be on my lap!" Frank said sarcastically, laughing and leaning back casually on the sofa, he raised an eyebrow. As if he was waiting for me to get closer. I blushed, realizing Frank Iero actually wanted me to get closer to him. He sat up and wrapped his arms around me pulling me in closer to him the leaning back once more, casually as he did the first time.

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⏰ Last updated: Feb 26, 2013 ⏰

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