Chapter 2

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Next chapter...So far Jaimee a.k.a RenaRose has not found it yet so yay...Also Markiplier has not answered me L If only he knew the perfect woman for him was living in Ohio his home state.

Ryan's Pov:

 "What are you doing?" I asked walking into her familys small plain kitchen...Did I mention she still lives with her parents?

"I'm cooking." Jaimee stated reading a book while making some form of food.

"You can't cook." I said and Jaimee frowned.

"I'm trying to learn...If I ever get a man or live alone I'll need to know this stuff." Jaimee said.

"So you try to kill us?" I asked and she sighed giving up and cleaning up the mess.

"God I suck at life." Jaimee groaned when Ayden walked in.

"You maybe bad at cooking but you have other talents." I said.

"Like what?" Jaimee asked.

"You can make up a story in like 3 seconds." I said.

"That doesn't help with anything involving living alone or having a man...or woman." Jaimee whispered the last part.

"You an amazing artist." Ayden said drinking some of her rootbeer.

"How does that help?" Jaimee asked and Ayden shrugged.

" can play trumpet and can shoot a bow." I said.

"Great when the great music apocalypse happens I'll be safe and as for the bow that will come in handy for zombies." Jaimee said sarcastically making Ayden chuckle.

"Your also an awesome shot." Ayden said.

"Great...that helps so much." Jaimee said.

"Oh you can sing." I said and Jaimee suddenly turned shy as her face reddened.

"I'm...not that great." Jaimee mumbled.

"You kidding me? You're amazing." I said and she just mumbled a thanks.

"Any guy would be lucky to have you." Ayden said.

"If I wasn't gay I would totally date you." I said being honest.

"You're just being nice." Jaimee said.

"No I'm being honest like usual. Jaimee your pretty and instead of bitching a fit at a guy you try to see it from there view and even ask them why they do it." I said thinking of the ex.

"Plus your smart and love every type of humor even the shitty puns." Ayden said.

"You like every kind of movie although Chic flicks are not your favorite. You also try to get into whatever your friends are into." I said thinking about her one friend loved soccer and she was starting to like it to.

"You always caring and worrying about others even if they have hurt you." Ayden said.

"I get it guys...I don't like compliments...makes me feel like I'm getting a big head." Jaimee said.

"You even just said you don't want an ego." I said.

"You are pretty damn perfect for any man." Ayden said.

"Thanks but..I'm slow." Jaimee mumbled...She always thought this why...Why people hated her or why they were mean to her but how could she not think that way when all her life that was the reason.

"That doesn't matter because you work hard...I mean yes you are slow at learning things but look...You won that award for most improved reader because you worker for it....You read 300 books and till you got that damn 12.5 thing on the reading test. You struggled but that's what made you better because you had to work harder than everyone." I said and she smiled.

"You guys are so sweet...Although you sir can be a dick at times but I'm still going to offer...Who wants McDonalds breakfast?" Jaimee asked and Ayden raised his hand making Jaimee roll her eyes.

"We're not in school Ayden...I think I'm done." Jaimee said making me suddenly worried...She was in a deep depression when she became a senior and told me she was having bad thoughts...She never did it though...but now she had a bad habit at picking and ripping her skin off her arms...It's sad because she is so pretty but her arms are so scarred its probably a turn off.

"Done?" Ayden asked.

"Done trying to be perfect...I'm me and that's as good as I can be...I'm perfectly me." Jaimee smiled and I sighed in relief. She still gets a little sad when shes alone but shes never got that bad for a long time...she still picks at her arms when shes nervous or even bored.

"I want pancakes with sasuge."Ayden said.

"Alright." Jaimee said.

Jaimee's Pov:

"I hate rain." Ayden groaned on my couch as Ryan played need for speed on my Gamecube.

"I love rain." I said and Ryan paused the game.

"You are so weird." He said and I tossed my pillow at his face.

"No I just try to enjoy everything...The rain makes me sad but at the same time it's like mother nature feels pain just like us." I said as thunder boomed.

"Like I said...weird." Ryan said and I stuck my tongue out at him.

"You're just mad because you can't appreciate the little things in life." I said.

"Jaimee...You go way too far with that. You enjoy fucking Burger King on a date...You're cheap." Ryan said making me feel a little hurt.

"So...I don't need expensive things to be happy." I said.

"That's bs and you know it." Ryan said.

"I just enjoy spending time with is just annoying...I could be happy living in a box." I said.

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⏰ Last updated: Apr 13, 2015 ⏰

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