Chapter 3

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Hey folks Lana here, I know it's been a long while.... Sorry.

I know a lot of you would have heard the call Arroooo!!! Teen Wolf Movie, enough said. I think a lot of us have been waiting for this, for so long. Anyway I've been working on this because I know so many like the Rilessa Hale prologue at the start of her life. This is a sort of continuation and there will be a lot of flashbacks involved.

So what I'm thinking is one chapter a week, this is short because well I really wanted to thank you all for waiting and following me for future works, as to the others I think they will continue. I lost my stories when my first computer was destroyed and the second is a fiasco in itself, so I'm hoping to please some of you and the fact I really do want to continue on with my stories.

I guess this is a sign off now and hope to see you all back and reading my work again.

Also I've hit 10k views. How? Why? Thank You! Seriously I went in thinking I'd get a few but wow, love you guys for sticking around.

I honestly forgot how much joy I got from writing again, I really hope you all enjoy this story.


I definitely do not own Teen Wolf nor would I ever claim to, but I like to think I own Rilessa/Riley/Ri/Snowy/ (yeah she has a lot of nicknames) well the idea of her at least.

Chapter Three-

'What are you doing here, little one?' Feeling my wolf scratching at the surface wanting release and for me to shift I gripped the hand that was pressed to my stomach against my arm instead stopping the bone from breaking and rearranging.

'Alpha. Beta. Omega.' Repeating the same words my mother told me to repeat whenever it was a full moon to ground myself it was enough a hand closed over my shoulder as I opened my eyes that must have closed at some point, it was Peter Hale. A look of confusion- and fear. He remembered me?

'Rilessa? How? You died in the fire.' The fire? I looked back at the burnt remains of the home to the right of me, past the teens. Rilessa. Sequi me. Mementote. 'Mom?' A hand dropped over my shoulder. I looked back with tears in my eyes. Peter was staring up at the house. 'Vanessa.'

Feeling the riveting sensation over my chest I looked forward to my chest, the amulet of my mother's she said it would keep me as safe as I could be. 'Revelata mihi praeterita.' Closing my hand over the Emerald amulet searing warm light burnt the flesh as I felt a tug forward eyelashes falling shut.


'What do you mean you have to leave?!' The slam of a book slamming shut Vanessa appeared storming into a room throwing open a purple suitcase. 'We cannot stay here. She needs the coven! To be around others of her kind!' Chucking in as much as clothing and items she'd need, knowing someone had to be watching them, Peter stepped in front of her making Vanessa glance up.

'She has family here, Vanessa. My sister Talia and Vincent, her cousins Derek, Cora and Laura! She has others of her kind here. Don't take her away from me.' Vanessa had to turn away her back to him as she clutched a vial. 'We don't have a choice Peter. I'm sorry.' She turned around blowing the purple smoke into Peter's face, a lone tear was falling as she went over him chanting words so quiet I couldn't hear but I saw that she had pressed the amulet over his head as it glowed. 'They'll kill you all to get her.' I will get her back to you.


Darkness flowed around me. I wasn't in the vision any longer. Tears formed as more images of my mother played through my mind, "hey baby girl." It was like I willed her to be there, my mother stood in a green flowery dress she loved to wear at- our home.

"You're beginning to remember," I could actually feel the touch of her hand cupping my right cheek.

"I don't have long baby girl. Lessa you'll remember more slowly but eventually you will remember everyone. Your father and Derek will protect you as much as they can. I am so sorry you were born to this fate but I will never regret having you. You are my baby girl and I would never let anyone hurt you." She brought my face closer to place a gentle kiss to my forehead while wrapping her hands around me. Mom.

In case someone is confused or wondering, the words not in English are Latin, I've always thought of Latin to be the language I wanted to use should I write stories about witches which I've done with Rilessa Hale, here are the words;

Chapter 1-

somnum. sleep.

tacens, oblitus es nobis. in silence, you forgotten us.

Oblivisci me vidisti. Forget you saw me.

Chapter 2-

Aer projice eum a me; Air throw him away from me,

Chapter 3-

Rilessa. Sequi me. Mementote. Rilessa. Follow me. Remember.

Revelata mihi praeterita. Reveal the past to me.

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