pt 3

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Time skip to 2 months y/n pov

I watch jaune and his friends walk around in a forest towards a city I was above them jaune didn't seem like his happy go lucky self but instead of being more serious. Jaune had pyyrha's scarf on his waist I sense a powerful present something similar to yujiro the ogre 'he must finally be here. Good maybe another rematch'i walked towards the direction of yujiro I sense I was closer maybe 200ft away I jump threw trees and rocks using aura to boost my jumps 100ft

50ft I can see some one the ground knockout with red hair and black clothing when I got closer I realized it was yujiro so flipped hi- HER!? over

I was confused so I decided to site on rock trying to figure out and wait for her to awake


It's been 2 hours and she came to wake

Me:so finally awake

I was covered in the shadows of the woods



I stepped out of the woods she threw a punch at me I dodge in time and grabbed her wrist and threw her into a tree

Me:what the hell!? We just met after a while and you just to kill me?!

Yujiro:okay your alive i thought I killed you?

Me:you did and it seems like I killed you too

Yujiro got into a fighting stance


Me: no. I have a someone to check on.

I flickered out of her sight and appeared near jaune. He was still training his arm was wrapped in bandages. He turned to my location only seeing glowing red eyes. I left to see a bird and yujiro following me

Me:qrow. Yujiro.

I started to walk towards yang's house which was 10 miles away it will take me about 10 to 15 minutes with my speed I seen yang's house I jump on the roof and walked to yang's window then open it

Me:yang yang you here

Yang(sleepy):who's there?

Me:it's musashi

Yang instantly got up after I said that she ran hug me

Yang:where were you. You disappeared after the fall of beacon

Me:I know I just wanted rest. But hey you should rest too with that new arm of yours


I put my swords on shelf and sat on a beanbeg and laid there until 2 hours later still up with yang asleep I heard her phone go off I got up luckily she doesn't have a password  it was photo from jaune I opened and immediately shut it off with light blush and sat back down with that image scolded into my mind I finally fell asleep after 6 hours which yang woke up and woke me back up after 49 minutes of sleep when grabbed her phone blushed I left and sat with tai. Who also saw it too.

Tai:you saw it right?



Me:it's stuck in my head

Tai: it's burned into my eyelids

Me:oh God

Yang came down and told tai that she had boyfriend and not to freak out needless to say he did I walked out and sat on the porch and waited for yang to come out so we can leave

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