He is coming for you

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After that we all went to sleep. Of course my dad was awake, because he doesn't, want his daughter to be kidnapped.

At some point I had to pee, so I made my way over to a bush. Before I even got the chance to pee, I heard something from behind me. I turned around and guess who I saw, Peter, Peter Pan (what a surprise).

The next thing I knew is that I woke up in some cage hanging over the ground. And I had a pretty strong headache, did Peter knocked me out? Probably .

After like 30 minutes hanging in the air, in a cage on Neverland, kidnapped by the Peter Pan I remembered I brought a dagger with me, so the first thing I did was to cut the rope. Just seconds after that, i knew that this wasnt a good idea, because im going to hit the ground and its going to be loud not the best way to escape, Y/n

So like I said, I hit the ground and it was freaking loud but to my surprise nobody noticed. I got out of the cage and walked a bit around before I saw some camp sort of thing. The dumb pirate I am, I walked right into it just to be greeted by a bunch of lost boys, that's what the call themselves weird. They danced around the bonfire and on the side was sitting Peter playing some flute I guess.

It was weird that they didn't notice me (of course Peter did but he didn't say anything) what also a weird thing was that the flute Peter was playing didn't make any music they danced without Musik.

After like 10 minutes I got the urge to just walk to the lost boys and Peter, like it was a normal thing to do. So I did it. In the end it was the best idea I ever had. So I walked in there like it was normal after some boys spotted me everything came to a stop. "Took you long enough, love" was the first thing I heard from Peter.

I expected to be brought back to the cage but to my surprise Peter said I could have some fun with them because I proved that I don't run away. I didn't had fun that night I mean I got kidnapped by some boys, but one good thing did happen. I met Henry again.

"Henry?? Omg I'm so glad to see you" I told him right after I spot him lying up at some tree.
"Y/n what are you doing here?" was obviously the first thing he asked me, " I got kidnapped by Peter don't know why though, but our family is going to safe us I promise you." I was so happy to see him again, he was like my brother to me.

I talked a lot with Henry that night and also met Felix one of the lost boys he is pretty funny. One thing I noticed is that Peter was starring holes in my back I wasn't uncomfortable though. Something about Peter is fascinating, i don't know what but there I something.

I'm so sorry i didn't post anything. But I am trying to post more, also if you have any ideas what you like to happen in this story just tell me. Also wanted to say that Peter can't read your mind ( thank god).

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⏰ Last updated: Mar 07, 2022 ⏰

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