Chapter 1

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Charlie's POV:

"Errrgghhh" I moaned as I rolled over to pick up my vibrating phone from under my pillow. With one eye open, I pressed the 'dismiss' button. I smiled a little as I unlocked my phone to see my best friend Sharnah posing with a cheesy grin with her hair in cute plaits. I laughed when I remembered her looking at the picture on my screen and going 'Eww! Delete it now! I look so gross! Change it!!' I don't know why she says it when she is so pretty. We had a debate on changing it. I won! (Round 1 to me!) I stared at my screen waiting for my eyes to adjust. I then saw that I had recieved an insulting text from her in the middle of the night.

"Oi ugly, try not to get as many detentions tomorrow!:P xx Love yaaa!;)"

My fingers pressed quickly to reply..

"Oh shut up! Why dont you try not to, too!! On a different subject, Morning beautiful, the world says hello<3:)"

"Morning boobbutt, go away! I just got up! :P xx"

I pulled a face, mentally imagining a 'boobbutt' I laughed, she is so strange!

I was about to reply until I looked at the time. It was 8 o'clock. Shoot! I was meant to be up half an hour ago! I ran into the kitchen and turned on the kettle. "Mum, are you up!?" I questioned, hoping she would hear me. I changed into my school uniform and rolled my skirt so it was half way above my thigh. Sprayed on my Charlie Black body spray and when I heard the kettle click I ran back into the kitchen and poured the water into my mum's cup. I grabbed the milk from the fridge and placed it on the worktop. My mum walked in, looking as beautiful as usual. She smiled sleepily in her work clothes. "Morning mum!" I said cheerily.

"Morning Charlie, come on, hurry up. We need to leave.. now!" she said as she looked down at her watch.

"Okay.." I sighed as I poured in the milk. "Here's your tea" Mum took the cup out of my hand thankfully and downed it in minutes. Meanwhile, I scrambled to the floor and picked up my shoes. Slipped them on my feet and grabbed my school bag and tangle teaser.

Mum and I raced each other to her two seater sports car and clambered into the seats. I combed my hair best I could and I eventually gave up and just put it in a basic bun. I then grabbed my mascara, eyeliner, lip gloss and mirror and did my make up. I was set for the day.


"Love you mum. Bye!" I kissed her on the cheek once she stopped outside the school. I then jumped out the car and ran through the school gates. As I headed to form I checked my daybook. Monday: Maths, English, Music, Art, Science. Okay, that means I will get to see Sharnah, Hayley, Janet and Jack in maths and science. Oops, forgot to bring the homework for... *crash*

"ouch!" I cried in pain. "look where you're goi.." I looked up to see a blonde haired boy with sparkling blue eyes. He was about 5 inches taller than me. He pulled me up to my feet. "Uhmm. m-my bad," he said apologetically. "I-I'm kind of lost. I am heading to my form room... Mrs Blackman's..?" he said questioned nervously.

"Oh," I said dazed by his beautiful eyes. "I know where that is. In actual fact," I said smiling, "That is my form! Follow me." I smiled. "Thank you so much," he said in a strong Irish accent, I could see the relief in his pale face. "My name is Horan, Niall Horan," he winked, saying it in a joking James bond way. "I'm new, as you can tell" he blushed.

"My name is Charlotte Parker-joyce. But I prefer Charlie." I said, half smiling as we went down the hallway. Wow, he is so handsome, so cute, his eyes are gorgeous... stop it Charlie! I will never get him. Sharnah probably will...

I walked into my form room. Miss Blackman frowning at my late arrival. "Ten minutes late,"her jaw clenched, "Take a seat Charlie.. and, oh. Bring Niall with you."

"Mrs Blackman is one of my least favourite teachers," I frowned, taking my seat and directing Niall to take his too. "She moans at me for everything and seems to love giving out detentions!"

Niall smirked "Sounds like my old teacher, Mr Newton, he was SO strict!" Niall threw his hands up in the air exaggerating his point. This made me giggle. "Well," I said as the bell rung. "I'm heading to math with Mrs Colloff, how about you?"

Niall smiled, "Same! Looks like we can be buddies!" I laughed heavily making my 'donkey noise' according to Sharnah. Niall chuckled when he saw my cheeks flush a deep crimson colour. I hid my face a little then said, as I grabbed my bag and walked out the class, "Well uhmm. My best friend sharnah would LOVE to meet you. Be warned her beauty can be fatal." I stated, pulling a dead face. It was Niall's turn to laugh heavily, snorting in the process, "Well, I'll try not to fall for her." he winked, "But I'm sure she isn't as beautiful as you." he smiled shyly. This made my face two shades of red, darker.


Sharnah's POV:

'Charlie stepped into class with a taller blonde guy next to her. Everyone is taller than me anyway.. so not much of a surprise! He was kinda cute, bleached blonde dyed hair and blue eyes. I must admit, he was cute. Next thing I knew I was bear hugged by Charlie from behind, interupting my day dream. "Rawr!" she roared at me.

"Hey Charlie!" I smiled "Uhmm, can I breathe now?" I choked playfully.

"Never!" she whispered in a psychotic voice, pulling her arms tighter around me. I pretended to pass out. She then gave in. As she pulled her arms out of the headlock she said, "i am only letting go because you died.." The boy behind her chuckled. "Oh, who's your new boyfriend, Charlie?!" I hollered, making her cheeks rosey pink. She pulled a face down at me. I winked back. "Guys!" Hayley moaned next to me. "Be quiet!" I rolled my eyes jokingly, ignoring her comment and prodded her shoulder, "Look at Charlie's new boyfriend!" I teased. Janet now joined in, "Greetings, my friend. How long have you been in 'cohoots'?" she said in her famous Canadian voice.

"What's your name?" I asked.

He smiled. "Niall Horan."

"Oh cool, you're Irish!" Hayley said, enthusiasticaly. He nodded shyly. "My name is Hayley and..."

"Hey! I want to do introductions!" I moaned. Janet had a laughing fit at my sudden outburst. "Sorry Hayley.." I prodded her again. She then prodded me back with her long nails. "Oww! Anyway, MY name is Sharnah, this blonde, prodding girl next to me is Hayley and the Canadian is Janet."

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