tag 3 😈

27 2 26

(sorry for being 2 years late again on this-)

Who tagged you? 🤔


What's the colour you wear the most?

Blue whether I like it or not, it's my school uniform and school is the only place I go

Name one joke that makes no sense and don't explain it. 👁️👄👁️

Ok pls don't get mad at this

what do you call a broken can opener



What's the most embarrassing time in your life?

As someone who's entire existance is embarrassing, I honestly forgot. There is too many

Most random thing you've said? 😶

Once I forgot if dogs had tails and asked my mom

Biggest regret and thing you regret the least? 😇

Ayo I have a lot of regersts 😳 thing I regret the least? Buying a 36 marker pack.

Most recent lie? 👀

When I wrote this, my most recent lie was that I lied about having a small quiz at school so I could go to my room and 'study' when I was just listening to music so I could just chillax for a bit lmao

One random story and 5 facts!!

1. I am obsessed with philosophy and linguistics for some reason.

2. I'm stuck in 2015

3. honestly most of my opinions are wrong

4. My life goal is to have a pinterest girl morning routine

5. I'm a teenager, I'm going through phases like usual. So if you notice my personality change three times this week, don't question it :D

Anyways the story-

A few years ago when I was in 7th grade, I had just started middle school and was a total outcast. Then we had a 2 day camping trip coming up and I was dreading it but I knew damn well my parents weren't gonna let me stay home two days in a row instead of go on the trip. And I had a grudge against every single one of my classmates because I was an edgy 7th grader, so I wasn't about to spend a weekend with them, but anyways-

So I formed a plan. I said I was going, and I got money from my mom to pay for the trip. But on the day of the trip, I texted my homeroom teacher and told her I couldn't come, as I wasn't feeling well. I thought the excuse was good enough so she wouldn't call my parents to double check. From past field trips, the staff on the trip don't really seem to care who arrives and who doesn't, which I took advantage of. They actually wanted less people to come so there would be more room lmao

Anyways, I couldn't go back home obviously, so I got the money that was supposed to be for the trip and didn't go to school, but went around town and went on a (small) shopping spree and bought icecream and chilled at the park, but it felt like an adventure to me because of my overprotective parents lol, I had a pretty good time. Since it was a two day camping trip, you could decide if you wanted to sleep there or go home, a bus would take you home. I waited until it got late and headed home.

I still don't know how I had the guts to do this. The fact that I didn't even get caught 😭 7th grade me was a genius in anything but my studies.

Are you the person who crashes into the food, riding the cart, or touching everything when at teh grocery store?

Riding the cart. We turning this into a mario kart game I will win at obviously😎

Tag 5 people 🔫


Adiso!! ✌️

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