The pole

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"Braedon, son come downstairs." Im so embarrassed to tell my one and only son that I got fired from my well paying job. "Dad, what's wrong?" Oh no, I really don't want to tell him, but it's the wright thing to do. "Braedon, son, I got fired from my job." Oh no, here it comes, the guilt trip. "How could you possibly get fired, you are so good at doing your work, it's really hard to get a job like that dad. How could you do this to me and bailey." I feel so bad. Braedon started to walk up the stairs, but there's more. "Braedon come back son, there's more bad news" I have no idea what he will do when I tell up him. "Son, we're moving to California, I have been offered an amazing job, and I have to take it."

*skip to the next day*

*braedons pov*

We're leaving for Cali tomorrow morning. I'm so upset, but maybe I will make some new friends there. Who knows what will happen. "Come on bray bray. We're leaving now." Egh my dad is so annoying. Whatever. *skip to on the plane*. "Dad,can I ask you something." "Of course son." "What is your new job that is so much better than your other one." "Well son, it's a bit embarrassing but I work on a pole, its an amazing pay check." My dad is going to be a pole dancer. Wtf. I really hope this is a joke because this is embarrassing for me, what if my new teacher asks what my dad does for a living. I will have to lie to her/him. I hate my life. "Dad, I hate you, I'm going to find Angie and live with her. No wonder you got dumped, it was bc you told her your new job, no one likes a slut dad, no one." I quickley jump out of my seat, open the emergency exit and jump. Oh and I brought Bailey too. When I landed from falling out of the sky, I was in the ocean. I seen a boat and called it over, they picked me up and I made it back to the shore safely. Then I got on a bus and went out to Angie's place.

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