chapter 3

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Well love, today my work pays off in more then one way.

Pardon me, I ought to let you know that this is sylvia and, that i am more then some genetic or advanced human.

You see I am far beyond it, which is why what you will now be seeing some utensils to be used for though like this - and, impulses like this * .

If there are any more utensils that will be used I will have you informed.

Thank you for your time, you may now comtinue reading.

(Author- so public anouncenment redundancy.:3)

*directors stage name is phil, his real name jack, dupre, age 37, compatence level below age group by 6 years found at 15 meters north dead man found in decapitation cloth method.*

-Finally a method i agree with to complete the fall-

I am still standing as the dolt continues speaking talking about a perfect world that all too eagerly agree to, since after all.

I am their biggest flaw.

The shelter i stand under is well gaurded... against the civilians although civil is a understatement by the whole.

The fools chose to be spread out in a scattered pattern that fit the area with poulation of the adults deemed full members.

All of which i account as murderers to say the least.

At his last words "...and so the end came-"
Exited his mouth after which i would account as his only truthful ignorant words... they spoke over their own funeral.

It was the only weakness i showed to them.

That they had for the filth of honor found in them.

Their hands all simotaniously raise in the attempt to save themselves.

They way my bretheren died.

My knives work in the ways they never imagined, they die seeing them. For they lived to make them.

-Let it fall the last drop-

There were no screams, i gave no words for them to comprehend of vengence, they did not earn them.

Dodging and weaving bullets i gave the assailents to my blade, they deserved that much respect.

It was their only honor left.

I understood that.

The gaurds did their best i warrent them that, their graves i properly commemorated.

As i leave i see cloth in the wind...

I know my solitude in this journey won't last for me any longer...

It will be gone soon.

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