Sketch Ep 1

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Jay gets of a bus after a stressful day of school.He gets home, and started to draw two characters in his notebook.All of a sudden a portal appears, and starts to suck up everything in Jay's room.He screams for his parents, but it sucks him up before there was even a sight of help.

He falls in a woods, and says "Where am I?"He sees a pencil on the floor, and picks it up.He spots characters fighting that he drew in the notebook.Jay says "How is this possible?"in shock

The characters start to go to Jay while they are fighting.One of the characters make a big orb that goes towards Jay.He makes a shield with the pencil on accident, and the shield blocks the orb.The characters ran away while they kept fighting.

Jay looks down at the pencil,while still panicking inside.He runs off trying to look for anyone to help him.He suddenly hears footsteps behind him.He turns around full of fear to see a viking with weapons in each hand.

Jay is frozen at the sight of the viking.The viking prepares to attack Jay, but a arrow flys right at the viking's leg making them fall.A girl runs to Jay, and tells him "We need to get out of here, It's dangerous"holding a pencil.Jay and the girl run away from the viking hoping nothing else happens to them.

Jay looks behind him to see if the viking is still trying to attack them, and sees the viking jumping branch to branch to them.Jay tells the girl "They are chasing us"right as he says that the viking jumps by Jay, and slashes their weapon right at him.

The girl pulls Jay saving him from the attack, and starts to draw with the pencil.The viking starts to run up to her
ready to fight, while Jay is frozen watching in worry.The viking attempts to hit the girl but is crushed by a humongous rock.

Jay says "Thank you so much for saving me"The girl says "You're welcome.I seen you were frozen"Jay says"I'm sorry, I just got scared"The girl says "I was like that when I first came here too.Do you have anywhere to stay"

Jay says "No.I got teleported here today"She says "My trainer has been looking for new recruits, so you can crash there if you want"Jay says "I would like that"The girl says "Come on"

Jay says "What is even the deal with this place"The girl explains "People get teleported here randomly by a portal, and get forced to experience this harsh place.This world has characters that people have created from drawing, and actual people"Jay says "Oh"

The girl says "We are coming up on the training room"Jay says "Great" The girl says "My name is Ava by the way"Jay says "My name is Jay"Ava says "There is the Training room"Jay looks down at the base full of gratefulness.

End of episode 1

This will turn into a cartoon in the future.

Do not steal anything from this episode.

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