Sketch Ep 5

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This is the last episode I'm going to show  of my cartoon.If you want more imformation on it go to my instagram.It's Sketchietoonie.

Jay sits on the couch, sad.Master x says "Why the long face"Jay says sadly "I can't see my family.I don't even know if I can go back to earth"Master x explains "I know...I'm sure no one even knows how to get out of here, but I have hope that we can get out"

Jay says "Thanks Master x .Do you have anything I can draw with"Master x makes a face like he just found out a answer to a question in school.He says "I found a notebook in the aticc after the game fiasco.I would like to give it to you, but do you think it will create something like it did when people drew from earth"

Jay says "That is a good inference.I'll try to draw a simple item to test it out"Master x says "Good"as he gives Jay the notebook.Ava screams "Master x!I need help with the pigs!"Master x runs yelling "Im coming"Jay draws a little frisbee, and it comes to reality.Jay says "That's how it works"

Jay goes outside, and starts to create multiple things full of happiness.
He suddenly hears a sound in the bushes.Jay says "Who is that"He looks around, and sees nothing.Out of no where someone takes Jay's book.

Jay sees the person.They have yellow eyes and a cape.They run into a woods, so Jay chases after them.He says "What's your problem"The person punches Jay to the floor, making him drop his notebook.

The person picks Jay's notebook up, and  draws a big log to crush him.Jay has a flashback to when Master x trains him to avoid attacks.Jay moves to the avoid the log.The person throws a potion making it break.The area fills with smoke.

Jay runs out of the smoke, and kept chasing the person.He manages to catch up to them, and tackle the person.They start fighting over the book.The person manages to get the book, and make a monster.Ava and Master x show up, and defeats the monster.

The person trys to attack Ava but she takes him down instead.She says "Give us the notebook back"The person  throws a potion, and it surrounds them with smoke.They quickly get out the smoke to see the person is gone.Ava says "Are you ok"to Jay.He says "Yeah"sadly.

End of episode 5

Thank you for the support on the series.If you didn't read the VERY IMPORTANT text read it.It is very important obviously.This was a very important part of my life.I will still make this a cartoon, and believe me I'm not stopping until I do it.This is a sign off for Sketchietoonie.See you in the future hopefully.

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