𝗴𝘂𝗻𝘀𝗵𝗼𝘁 | 𝟱

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y/n lee's


"Ah, he's so good at making my mood sour." I murmured while walking through the crowdy streets.

Some people bump on my shoulders and we both apologize for the unintentional move.

I brought the phone out of my pocket and checked any important messages and notifications. I signed for a day off today and our boss approved since I worked my ass off since day one.

And as I was about to put my phone back inside my pocket, I received a call from my sister, Jihye.

"Hey, sis!" She greeted with full of enthusiasm.

"Hey, why are you calling? Emergency? Need something?" I asked straight to the point.

"It's not an emergency nor I have something I need. I just called because I received a call from Joonghyuk minutes ago..." Her voice were slowly fading as it reaches its last word.

I stopped on my track and moved aside. "What?" I said.

"Yes, he did. You did not hear my words wrong and I'm not bluffing. I'm legitly telling the truth to my one dearest sister." Jihye said and she became breathless as she ended her speech.

I chuckled when she immediately did that because she already knows that I'm going to ask her a bunch of questions to see if she's telling the truth.

"Then? What did he said?" I asked and continued on walking.

"Nothing special." I heard her chuckled on the other line. This is bad. My sister's planning to keep it a secret from me.

"Just tell me, Jihye." I pushed the glass door open. I slightly bowed my head when I saw someone I knew, since we're living in the same building.

"It's nothing, really. He's just asking if when will be our next meet up."

"And you said, what?"

"I said that we haven't talked about it yet." I felt her grinning from the other line.

I sighed and massaged my temple. "You better not be lying my dear sister."

"I swear, I'm not!" She answered immediately.

I said, okay, and we hung up the call.

I pushed the up button, I waited several minutes before it opened. It got no one inside. I stepped in and the moment I step foot on it I could already sense that there's someone inside... or outside.

I pretended that I didn't knew about it ang pushed the number of my room floor-which happens that I just picked some random number. It would be a million decades before I would let some assholes know my room floor.

That person must be on top. I shook some imaginary dust on my shirt and look up pretending that I was looking for a non existing dust. I went back to looking at my reflextion on the elevators door- a hint of smirk playing on the side of my lip.


The square door above was slightly opened. I doubt that he already sensed that I already knew he was here. If there's something I am capable of except swords and weapon- it would be pretending and lying.

I look up to see which floor are we in now. I tilted my head as I came up with a great idea. I pressed the last number of button-which means the last floor on this building. Pressing it means he'll surely be crushed on where he is right now.

This building has two elevators close to each other. Given that it's already so late at night, there's only a few who's currently up or out right now. And I bet that the elevator beside I am on right now was on the lowest floor so it would be so hard for him to jump.

Wether that person would jump to the other elevator who's probably so far right now or stay where that person is right now, there's only one ending that ass would end up with- death.

More floors to go and it would that person end but of course, of course that bastard wouldn't let itself die without me.

I heard the loud movements of the metal square door above me. I continued on staring at myself on the elevators door.

It's a guy.

He wasn't wearing anything that could cover his face up. Well, wether he would or not, he would die inside this elevator.

"You bitch! Do you think I would let you crush me there?!" He spoked as he went near me.

I didn't move any single muscle. And that made her even angrier.

His jaw clenched as he attacked me from behind. "Can't you hear me, you fucking bitch?!"

My hand moves faster than his slow feet. I took the gas inside my pocket. It wasn't just some normal gas that could make your enemy motionless- it's poisonous of course.

The elevator beeped and the door slide open. I looked back at him while smirking and as I stepped out from the elevator I spoke.

"Of course I had a thought that you would do this, do you think I'm dumb?" I pulled the cap out of it and throw it inside and before the elevator went close as I pushed the button that could deliver this person on the ground floor. "This is for looking down on me."

I waved my hand at him while smiling as I saw him choke himself due to the gas slowly coming out from its cage.

I put my hand down and went inside my pocket to get my phone. I contacted one of my friends who's good at computers.

"I did something nice in the elevator inside the building I'm currently staying, can you do something about it like removing it, hm?" I said cutely.

I heard her sighed. "I've got no choice, Y/n. This is my fucking job and you're always on my list of making you safe because a bunch of ass always sticking on you."

I chuckled. "Yes, yes. Thank you and I'm counting on you."

"Yeah, right." I can almost see her rolling her eyes at me.

I ended the call and leave the work to her. Right now, I think it's best to take the stairs.


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𝗴𝘂𝗻𝘀𝗵𝗼𝘁 | 𝘆. 𝗷𝗼𝗼𝗻𝗴𝗵𝘆𝘂𝗸Where stories live. Discover now