As Meredith and Amelia was snuggled up together Mers alarm goes of blaring she frantically wakes up and goes shit I am late as she gets up Amelia pulls her down and tells her to come back to bed she's say no Ames I can I am gonna be late and then Bailey will ether kill me or put me on scut and I would rather be dead then be on scut. Amelia burst out laughing and says ohh I remember those days I was the best in my class. Mer- Of course you was now give me a kiss and I will see you later mer leans over with her half buttoned up shirt and says we will finish the later and gives her a kiss goodbye.
Flash forward to the hospital-Finally mer gets to the hospital and rushes inside and Shouts yes I made it the apologies as she gets to Bailey with the other half of magic every single pager goes off there has been a massive trauma and they all starting rushing to get the best cases. Mer and the others get the trauma cases and one by one they get a cases Christina gets a head injury and broken arm leg and pelvis Alex has a girl who can not feel anything maybe paralysed Izzy is nowhere to be seen to God knows where she is probably in nearly dead's guy room working on her charts 🙄 and Alex through George under the bus ( pun intended )so he's planning on stealing Alex's surgery. All of a sudden mer here Bailey shout GREY GET UR LAZY BEHIND IN HERE
Why What's wrong