Chptr ~ 26 [ Choreography 💃💞 ]

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The handle to the studio turned, the ply wood of the floor creeked as the trio walked through. Kaminari said he was going to grab some coffee for them since it was still very early. Jirou began stretching in preparation for their work session, she looked towards Mina to see her already practicing some moves. What was impressive about Mina was not only was she their manager and fashion director she was also their choreographer. The pink girl pivoted and popped, the girl had all the dance styles in her bag. For the type of the song they chose she opted for a more fast freestyle esque style.
" Is this something that could go in the performance? " the girl said showing the move.

" Maybe a little less showy? I honestly dont know, I prefer to sing not dance. " Jirou responded.

" Little less showy.. Then, how about this- " she displayed a less flashy move to fit more with the music.

" That's perfect! " Thr girl shadowed Mina, they practiced the move for a few minutes till Mina started adding more onto it.

A few minutes passed and Mina organized quite a intresting order of moves, as the girls were talking they heard a faint knock at the door. Mina was about to get it till she was cut off by Jirou jumping to the door. They saw the boy walk in with three cups of coffee, he handed a cup to each of the girls.
" Careful its still hot. " he said blowing into the little hole of his cup. He took a sip thrn set the cup down on the container,
" So what have you come up with? "
Mina waved over to Jirou they lined up,
" 1.. 2.. 3.. " they synced motions,

As the song ended Denki clapped,
" That was sick! " he said micking some of the moves.

" Come here lets start from the beginning. " Mina told him, he followed her movements adding a little bit of his own flare to his movements, Mina was quite impressed by his movements. She then felt the phone in her pocket buzz,
" I'll be back, gimme a minute. " she quickly rushed out of the room ranting, it seemed like it was something about the order of who was going first. The room has a scent of coffee in the air,
" C'mon lets keep practicing, just follow my lead. " she said, the boy nodded as he walked next to her with a noticable smile on his face. Tap, twirl, pivot, and spin. The duo synced movements almost in an instant, when they realized they were in sync they focused harder. As the song drew closer to the end the two were putting all the effort they could give into it,
at moments some of the choreography was a bit alarming on how close they got to eachother. At some points they'd interlock hands and Denki would pull her in closer, as they had eachother hands entangled it reminded them of what happened on the rooftop, that night her beauty flourished her eyes, hair and gorgeous body reminded him of all moments they spent together. Late nights spending listening to music together, practicing guitar till his fingers felt like falling apart. Watching her be the strongest person in the worst situations, he wouldnt be the person today without her,
I owe you my everything.
The movement in the room paused as the two held eachother, Kaminari had his arms wrapped gently around her slim waist. The blonde boy looked into her ever so luminescent amethyst eyes, the same eyes he felt lost in, the same eyes that would mesmorize him with ease. His lips drew closer to hers as he closed the distance between the two,
" Ji- Kyoka..? " he said under his breathe.

" y- yes? " she felt his lips brush against hers, the ever so somber music embroidered itself into the situation. The sound of music faded as he descended further into her alluring lips. The golden haired boy solomnly whispered,
" Forgive me for being greedy. "
At that moment he took her first kiss laying his lips on hers, the sensation was instant as he felt her soft embrace. His hand held the back of her head while his other hand lifted her chin deepening the kiss. She's girl hes longed for, the kiss hes only dreamed of, could she be his...? The kiss broke leaving them with a gasp of air, the blonde boy raised his sight to her, what did I do?!

Her mind was sent into a frenzy when they kissed. The way he held her and how gentle he treated her made her heart seemingly want to burst. His golden electric eyes and the sweet taste of his lips alured her for wanting more. She was about to go in for seconds but a certain someone entered the door,
" I'm back! " The pink girl walked in sliding her phone in her pocket. She then laid witness to a scene which she would cherish. Denki had his right hand on the girls chin and his left wrapped around her head under her hair, their eyes were closed, it seemed like they were enjoying the moment. She saw Kyokas hands holding tightly against Kaminaris shirt slowly releasing her grip. Seeing this made her impusively fangirl squeal which the two definitely did notice, the boy seemingly panicked quickly letting go,
" I- I'm sorry! " he muttered as he quickly exited the room.
" Wait- What? Where are you going Kami? " Mina yelled to the boy already out the door. He didnt respond, she heard the sound of him sprinting away. She looked back at the violet girl who was still frozen in place,
" What in the world happened?! "

" Uh- I- I don't know. " she said brushing her lips with thr tips of her fingers.

The blonde boy sprinted out of the facility continuing running till his lungs exhausted themselves, he gasped for breath. Why? Why did I do that? I'm so Fucking Stupid. He grasped onto his hair, he inhalef and clenched his jaw and his fist.

" Great job Dumbass! Now she hates you. " he talked to himself. The boy looked around realizing he ran straight into a public park, he saw a playset with a few empty swings on it. He dusted off the leaves that rested on the seat and sat down swinging himself slowly. The creaks from the chain swing echoed in his ear, the rough texture of the rusted chains were not noticed as he swung freely thinking on how it felt. Holding her felt right, kissing her.. Felt amazing. He had to fix it. To save his 'friendship'.

The Semi-Finals were only 2 days away, the reason for the 2 day delay was because of constant construction faults due to a lack of proper management, luckily they got back in order and the stage for Semi-Finals and Finals are being constructed. A few hours passed and neither of the two girls heard back from Kaminari, they texted him multiple times but he didnt seem to reply or even look at their messages. This worried them so they began looking around, Mina went to check the inside of the facility and some parts of the hotel, while Jirou checked outside and around the facility. As she walked through the peaceful park she heard the sound of creaking coming from the park, curiously she walked towards the ear wrenching sound. When he ran out of the studio she didnt even notice, she was to busy caught in the moment. By the time he left she was being berraded by questions from Mina, she really didnt know why he left. As she made it to the park she saw the boy swinging slowly, he was leaning back while holding the chains for support. His eyes faced towards the orange sky. All he heard was the crunching of the wood chips coming towards him, he heard the person sit on the swing next to him.
" Lemme guess.. Is it the eccentric Mina? " he said in full confidence.

" No.. But it is the dazzling Kyoka~ " she replied in a light tone.

The boy jolted letting loose of the chains causing him to fall backwards smacking his head on the wood chip ground of the park.
" Pfft. Nice job dumbass. " she scoffed.

" You're right. I am a dumbass. " he said covering his eyes with the bottom of his palms.
" A selfish dumbass bastard! " he yelled to the sky. She was wordless, for the time shes known him hes never acted like this. The boy continued after a big exhale.

" Hey, sorry about earlier I really dont know what came over me. "

She stood up and went to the boy who was laying on his back, she squated down and moved his left arm which was covering his eyes, as his hand was moved he saw the girl with a dazzling smile look over at him. He felt a piercing tension by the girls jewl-like eyes. A sudden rush of guilt flew through his brain,
" Don't look at me like that- " he blurted shifting his gaze to the side turning his head towards a tree next to a water fountain.
She tilted her head,
" like what? " she asked the golden boy with a confused but curious smile.
It seemed like he wasnt going to answer.  She sighed and laid next to him on the wood chips, her eyes towards the sky and her mind flying high.
" C'mon you gotta talk to me eventually. After all your the one who stole my first kiss! " she stretching her arms towards the clouds.
He opened his mouth but not a word uttered, he didnt know what to say or do.

" Hmm.. Really nothing? "

" Okay.. Then how about this.. " she said with wandering words.

She slid her phone out from her pocket and opened the garage band app..



A/N ~ Kinda got a bit of writers block. And looks like our "friendship" is developing. 💞💞💕

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