I mean I guess this is the poem, Here you go m'lord.

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None of them know him like I know him, they pretend they do

but really, I'm here watching every move he makes

I've been watching everyone and his the most seems offensive in the kindest way

He acts like I'm there, but he pretends like he doesn't care

Only when those other people come around.

He breathes me in for energy like air

Just so he can breathe out when I've given him enough oxygen

When I ignored him, he lost air

His ego told me that it wasn't fair, to breathe him in like air

But when he's done so much for me how could I not.

When he's given me enough to handle, I ghost him

He hates when I ghost him Though.

He complained a few times about it, but I kept doing it every time he would hurt me

In the kindest way how do I say I've had enough.

I don't want to hurt him :(

I hate thinking that way

Respect him in the nicest way, they say.

He changed; I wish I never told him

Saying yes to him was the worst that could've been.

Her side (poem)Where stories live. Discover now