A moment of happiness

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This is based off the scene in quackitys lore stream...


TW: Suicide, intrusive thoughts


Tommy stared in awe of the view from the top of Quackitys tower

"Wow..." He said as he stared in admiration of the scene in front of him

He looked down at the ground many miles below


'A fall from this height would definitely kill me' he thought with a little smile, as Wilbur and Quackity talked, Tommy just thought, thought about the events that had happened in his life to lead up to this moment, he stood on the railing of the balcony to get a better view

"You know, this would be a good point to just jump off and end it all"

Wilbur and Quackity turned around in panick, Wilbur running over to Tommy

"Wait Tommy no no get down, get down" Wilbur yelled as he grabbed Tommy's arm, pulling him off the railing

"Will I was joking calm down" Tommy said with a fake smile

Wilbur seemed to relax slightly and loosened his grip on Tommy's arm walking back to Big Q, still wary of Tommy's actions

Tommy looked back to the stunning view, the sky was a beautiful sunset, probably the best one he'd ever seen, but his mind was thinking of something else... the voices...they kept telling him to jump, over and over, it wouldn't stop...

"Jump Tommy jump"
"No one would miss you"
"Do it Tommy"

Tommy was snapped out of the thoughts by the sound of a familiar voice

"You coming Tommy?" Asked Quackity with a a look of concern on his face
"We're going back downstairs"

"Okay, I'm coming"

He wasn't

Tommy watched as the two men turned their backs to leave

"Who would miss me?" Me muttered "my life's been shit up to this point anyway"

He stepped up onto the railing looking down at the floor below, he turned his whole body to face the men who were about to leave.

"Hey Wilbur, Big Q"

"Yes tomm-" Wilbur turned his head but stopped mid sentence "get down Tommy"

"It was nice knowing you both" Tommy smiled as he fell backwards

"Shit, Tommy no!" Wilbur ran after Tommy but he was too late, he was already out of grasp...

Time seemed to slow as Tommy was falling, he was in bliss as he felt the wind rush through his hair, he felt alive for the first time in ages, though he was snapped out of this phase as he saw Wilbur throw himself off the balcony...

Wilbur had thrown himself off the balcony

Wilbur caught up with Tommy in an instant falling next to him

"Will!? What are you doing?!"

"Not letting you die alone"

Apart from wind, silence fell upon the boys as they waited for the crash

"Will I'm scared" his eyes started tearing up

"It's okay Tommy"

Wilbur held Tommy's hand

They both held tight

They were bound to hit the floor any second

"Goodbye Tom"

"Goodbye Will"

They both crashed to the floor...

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