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"Supporting fellow writers is absolutely fine, but to idolize them is really not good at all."


Let us define first idolatry. It is the extreme admiration, love, or reverence for something or someone. To add, anything or anyone that hinders your attention from God is called an idol. I observed that several readers and/or writers are idolizing popular writers, devoting their time mainly into reading fictional books rather than reading the Bible which all truth are shown. I was weighed down by the time I knew that some did not have Bible at home, yet have tons of books. Some also have Bible but did not mind to open or read it. Such a sad reality! The first two of the Ten Commandments of God tell us: (1) "You shall have no other gods before Me." (2) "You shall not make gods or worship them (Idolatry)."

Stop idolizing your fellow writers! We should worship ONLY the one who gave these talents — our Maker. Support them and not idolize.

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