dora and diego

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i walked into karinas office, my palms sweating and my breathing speeding. "sit down" karina said with a serious tone, "y/n i just wanted to ask what were you doing with esteban the other day" i freaked out, should i tell the truth? how can i lie my way out of this? did she see anything? "i was just asking for... help! with the... homework" i nodded abs tried to convince her, and myself too. "y/n you take math in spanish" she started laughing and smiled at me, did she think this was funny? fucking bitch. i rolled my eyes at her and said "i didn't know asking for help was ilegal, he's a math teacher and the best one i've ever met, would you prefer that i got bad grades? i'm sorry but you always encourage us to ask and try to learn more, but when i do i get in trouble?" she was speechless "y/n leave, and i better not see you around here" i gave her a fake smile and walked out, bitch, at least she won't be a problem anymore. i walked to my classroom and just waited until it was time to see esteban.

time skip

i walked out of class and made my way to esteban's classroom, dora and diego got suspicious of me and decided to follow me "what if we see something we shouldn't" diego was scared "she's our best friend what if she gets in trouble we need to help her" dora said and kept walking diego following behind.

"y/n i saw you getting into karinas office is everything okay? esteban looked worried, did he really think i'd snitch on him?

"look i lied our way out of it everything is okay" esteban finally relaxed and he sighed in relief. "well now that karina is not a problem anymore we should finish what we started" esteban said, his voice deeper and his eyes full of lust, he walked to wards me and i stumbled against a table

he opened my legs and started rubbing my thighs, he leaned down to kiss me and slowly went down to my neck, my mind went blank, everything was perfect, he was so good at this, he reached to the waistband of my pants and then...

"CAUGHT YOU" dora yelled as she walked into the classroom, diego following behind, i could see esteban growing anxious, "i can explain" i finally broke the silence, "but you have to keep this a secret"

"okay we won't say anything but you have to explain everything" diego crossed his arms and waited for my response

"come over tonight and i'll explain everything" dora and diego looked at each other and decided that was good enough, they left the classroom and u didn't know what to say

"i should go" i finally said in a sad tone, "i'll see you tomorrow y/n" esteban leaned down and kissed my cheek, we said goodbye and i left. now i have to figure out how to tell dora and diego.

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