Part 2

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She did not shit her pants but according to her, she messed it up with blood as her menstruation arrived. 😝

Everyone in her team knew of it as she incessantly talked about it as if it an achievement better than their win against CK.

Smiling was the hero of the hour because she   led the team to their win as Sicheng was rather lukewarm in his role as captain as he was combating a fever.

Sicheng/Chessman and Smiling opted to go back home to nurse their not-so-good conditions:  fever and bad period pains.

Smiling was asked by Rui to look after Sicheng who usually refused to take medication for an illness.

It ended with Sicheng looking after Smiling especially when he found her double up in pain by the kitchen floor while she was making congee for them both.

Smiling remarked to Sicheng that he was being familiar with her, touching her in the tummy like it was all natural, she added that if they were living in Ancient times, he had to marry her.

Sicheng said that he would have married her 800 times in ancient times and divorce her 800 times.

After having some congee, Smiling insisted that it was really her turn to look after him and shooed him to his bedroom.

Later, when the rest of the team came back, Chubby was aghast at what he found at Sicheng’s bedroom.

The thing that shocked the team was that Smiling was in bed with the Chessman.

The team did tell the Chessman that having Smiling in his bedroom was out of order.  It is not a decent thing.

Smiling, however, said that it was an end to a means.  She told them that she was not feeling so good and was very cold so she jumped in bed with the feverish Chessman. 😜. That is logic.

Anyway, her sleeping habit did not only stayed within FGDX because while Smiling was live streaming, the Chessman interrupted and could not help mentioning that she had been sleeping in his bed.

Poor Jian Yang who was watching the live stream was livid with jealously.  He jumped into a taxi and went to see Smiling.

He begged Smiling to get back together and there was a flashback of how they first met as children and grew up as childhood sweethearts.  I must say that they do have a lot of cute chemistry.

Smiling said that they have grown apart and they can’t get back to where they were once.  All they can be now were just friends.

As she would not change her mind, Jian Yang agreed to be friends but asked her to remove him from her blacklist which she did immediately.  He then asked to have a final hug as friends.

Then they parted.

The Chessman saw the hugged and quizzed Smiling if she had gotten back with Jian Yang.  She told him no and he was satisfied.

While flirting with her, he told her that they have a major tournament coming and therefore having a romantic relationship is banned.

Smiling can’t sleep because she kept fantasizing about marrying Chessman.  To calm herself, she started watching gameplays of the Kings, their next opponent.

Her research was so impressive that they decided to use the tactics she devised based on her research.

And sure enough, it worked They won pretty straightforward against the KING.

She found the jaunter of the KING crying by the stairways. She can’t help but try to comfort him.  She told him that they had not won easily against the KING.  They worked very hard and spent many sleepless nights researching the KING.

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