Home Sweet Home.

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    James and I arrived at my childhood home. Fear in my eyes and a lump in my throat I stare at James and ask "Are you ready to do this?" Nodding his head we start up the walkway towards the front of the house.

    Climbing up the steps we see the door suddenly open. "Hello?" "Hello, is anyone there?" James asks peaking his head in the door. Concern on his face he looks back in my direction and pushes his way through the door with me following closely behind him.
    Walking into the first floor hall I stare around everything looking familiar but so unfamiliar at the same time. Out of the corner of my eye I see a woman standing by the door but when I turn to look all I see is James looking at me. "What is it Ashton?" "Nothing, I just thought I saw someone" I say.

   "Why don't we just get set up?" James replies, his forehead creasing with worry as he looks around. Later that evening we're sliding into our sleeping bags hoping for a goods night sleep. I awoke suddenly thinking I heard my name. I look around the room my gaze stopping on James.
    Next thing I know I hear a noise upstairs. "James!" "James!" I whisper scream waiting for an answer but all I get are soft snores. Hearing the noise again I grab my flashlight out of my bag. Switching it on I slowly make my way up the stairs. I can hear my heart trying to beat out of my chest.

   "Is anyone there?" I whisper shakily. Shining the light around I see a woman standing in the doorway to the bathroom. Her mangy black hair was hanging in her face and she was humped over. Screaming I lose my footing and roll down the stairs hitting my head.

   "Ashton! Wake up, are you okay?" I hear James screaming. I open my eyes and I see the woman staring straight at me. Screaming again with the feeling of my chest tightening, James turns around eyes wide with fear. He pulls me to my feet and running for the front door we pull on the handle but it wouldn't budge. I hear James scream, turning around I see her throw him against the far wall. I slide down the door frozen with fear.

   Unable to move I sat sobbing as she crawls towards me, my nostrils filling with the stench of death and rot, and in a raspy voice says "You should have never come back."

   James wakes up looking desperately around "Ashton, where are you!?" "Please answer me!" James checks the house several times looking for his best friend. Looking up he sees the woman hanging from the ceiling. As he runs out the door he looks back and sees the woman watching him from the doorway. He gets in his car and drives away, not looking back. Praying that his best friend was somehow still alive.

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