The Best I've Ever Had Chapter 2

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"What the hell did you just say to me," I shouted so everyone in the hallway turned to look at me. I quickly closed my mouth after realizing I just said that to Kristi who was pretty much the most popular girl in the school. She squinted her eyes and then called her boyfriend over. Jake her boyfriend raced over. Of course, Kristi was so predictable her boyfriend was none less than the star football player. They both gave each other a big sloppy disguesting kiss which took about a minute. As Jake started to reach into her relly shirt tight skirt I started to walk away but I heard her say," Not now bæ." "Where do you think you're going," Said Kristi. "Damnit," I whispered to myself. I turned my head really slowly as chills went up my bare arms. "Never talk to me like that again or I sware I will," then she stopped herself. "We'll lets just say the finished product of you talking to me again is your senior year no friends, boyfriends, or girlfriends just because your probably a lesbian. There was nothing I could do stop her from saying that so I just scurried away.
The rest of the school day went by Kristi free but cheerleading tryouts was a completely different story.
Right after eighth period I went straight to the gym just like the announcements said to for cheerleading tryouts. As I walked in I already knew I wasn't gonna fit in. I studied my surroundings as I walked toward the bleachers which was where everyone was waiting for instructions. I plopped down on the bleachers which kind of hurt my ass and slammed my purple water bottle down on the space next to me. Luckily I had a bag with shorts a T shirt and a pair of sneakers all ready in my locker. See I am prepared. I looked down the isle of girls. I'm not at all for stereo types and I am so not saying that all the girls trying out are blonde sluts but most looked skinny nice tans short tight clothes.
Wait. Oh no! There are all wearing cheerleading uniforms. I look all over the room for resource of the uniforms but there weren't any in sight. I looked around for an instructor to ask but there weren't any around. I started to become frantic. Sweat dripped down my face. The girl next to me had golden blonde hair and deep brown eyes and a really deep tan. "Umm, you know your supposed to get a uniform right," she said while chewing a big wad of gum. "Yeah I know but where do you get them," I said as calmly as I could. "Duh you get them from the instructor," she said in a kind of snobby way. "Ok thanks," I replied smiling fakley. I looked around the room for an instructor and then the last person I want to see barged into the room. "Hello everyone, hope you are all ready for a big competition between who gets onto the cheer team which is a privilege," the instructor reads off of her clip board. "Uh oh," I whispered to myself. The instructor walked over to me and said, "Well, look who decided to show up. Oh and unprepared." "Uh-um," I stammered. Freaking cheer instructor and the freaking way she jumbled her words to make everyone giggle. "Hi everyone. I am the captain of the cheer team my name is Kristi and I'm going to be teaching you your cheer and I will be one of the three judges judging you at the end," the cheer instructor said completely ignoring my soon to be explanation. "I'm gonna go down the line and ask you your names just so I can get to know everyone," she said while smiling so big that I could tell it is fake. She completely skipped over me and started to walk down the line. I heard common names like Amanda and Sara. There were at least twenty girls at the tryouts and I knew that only about eight were gonna make it because the girls on the cheer team last year have an automatic spot this year. Then Kristi walked over to me, "What's your name slut," she said looking so innocent but I could still see a bit of a smirk on her face. All the girls in the room giggled quietly and hesitantly as if they were unsure if they were allowed to laugh. Obviously Kristi wanted them to laugh because she smirked at me. "I-i-it's," I stammered, "Miranda." "Well, Miranda here's your uniform, go put it on fast or else I'm starting without you," Kristi said while shoving some small pieces of clothing in my hands. I ran to the closest bathroom and completely rushed. I came out hopping around on one foot tying my cheer shoe while the other shoe was basically falling off. Everyone giggled again. Then two other girls walked in. "These are two of my close friends Kelly and Bri they will be my assistants while teaching you and they are also on the cheer team so pay close attention," Kristi explained. They were both wearing their cheer uniforms. Bri had bleach blonde hair with pretty tan skin and hazel eyes. Kelly had dark brown hair and olive skin with deep brown eyes. "Ok girls were going to form some lines so everyone get in a line and take any jewelry off," said Kelly in a really perky voice. I kind of considered my glasses as ugly jewelry so I took them off. Then Kristi, Kelly, and Bri started whispering. Kristi looked at me disquieted but Bri and Kelly looked impressed. I got into the back row and kept pushing my skirt down. It was way to high, but all the other girls seemed to be fine with it probably because the football players were running across the gym to get to practice. Most girls pretended to not be looking but it just made it look more like they were watching them. Some girls even tried to look, "sexy." On the other hand I was just standing there vigorously pulling down my skirt. The one time I looked up Kristi's boyfriend Jake was staring at me. I blushed and put my head down. Kristi obviously expected Jake to look at her so her face turned red with anger. She looked at me angrily kind of like a how could you look. It wasn't my fault that he was staring at me. "Ok ladies, let's start with some basic cheerleading techniques," said Bri. "Care to demonstrate Kristi," Bri said. "Yeah sure," Kristi replied. "High V, Low V, Broken T, T, Touchdown, Daggers, Clasp, and clean," Kristi shouted while making a bunch of arm movements.

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