Embrace Of Memories

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The pine tree's passed by, just like they always did. A slight bump every now and then from those old and rugged tires hitting the cracked and old road. No words were spoken between that hooked man and Max. Only a slight nod when he boarded the bus. Max was now 15, going to the same camp every summer. His parents mumbled a small bye when he closed that door, not a hug, not even eye contact. The boy had a dreaded feeling in his stomach. There bored and rather affection-less voices rang though his ears. A slight headache coming with it.

Suddenly, the bus came to a stop. His turquoise eyes looked up, grabbing his backpack and stepping off the bus. "Grumpy Camper is here." Quarter Master said. Causing Max to roll his eyes and look forward. Seeing a familiar face jump and hug him. Max still wasn't a very touchy person. But after knowing Nikki and Neil for a few years now, his hands gently squeezed her tight. The two hadn't even said anything yet. David stood there with a big grin, and Neil catching up after Nikki.

Wheezing, the boy could barely run. Max gently closed his eyes, he could practically melt in her arms. The smell of dirt, moss and leaves filled his brain. Causing the headache to drift away as well. Neil soon joined in the hug, his usual smell of books and maybe chalk? And that is until two lanky arms came around the three, immediately the three pulled away. "Moment ruined." Neil said throwing his arms in the air. "Aw come on guys! I just wanted to get in a group hug with the kids.!" David said with a smile. "Not sure you know how that sounds." Max said with a cringed expression. His face softened as the usual happy counselor went on.

His eyes wondered, Nikki and Neil looked slightly different. Nikki had red cargo shorts, red suspenders hanging to the side of her hips loosely. Soft curls hanging around, her hair was shorter, it suited her. Neil had his usual yellow turtle neck, only rolled up to his elbows, and a few bandaids on his fingers. Max on the other hand, had his usual blue iconic hoodie. Ripped jeans at the knees, and some red converse. Maybe a pack of cigarettes he stole from his dad in his back pocket too.. "And thats why i should be able to hug kids, of course with consent." David finished. Snapping Max back to reality. "The word 'consent' some how makes it weirder." Nikki remarked, a slight snort with her laugh. "Just- go show Max his tent." David said in defeat with a sigh.

The three ran off, Nikki dragging Max with her somewhat soft hand in his. A smile crept to his face, it felt as if nothing mattered much anymore. His parents lacking affectionate skills towards him, the constant glares and rumors spread around school. Cause right now it felt as if it was just the three of them. He liked that they never ask to catch up, they just see each other and picked off where they left. As if there was no end to summer. All Max could think about was summer during the school year, and seeing Neil and Nikki again. Sometimes he would aimlessly strum his ukulele and think about the two, running and playing in fields. He would stop when his mind would wonder only to Nikki and him.

"Tada! A shitty and barely stable tent just for you!" Nikki said, resting a hand in his shoulder. Max looked at the run down cloth. A poorly made sign in the front that read 'no dumb bitches allowed.' Obviously in Nikki's hand writing. A small scoff came from Max, "You guys really get me." A soft nod came from him. Opening up the flap and resting his bag down. Neil sitting on the small bed across from Max's. While Nikki sat in the grass without a complaint. "So, miss us?" Neil asked with a smirk. "Obviously! You squeezed me so tight i almost couldn't breathe." Nikki laughed. Max recalled, did he really hold her that tight? "Did not! It was out of anger." The boy began to unpack his stuff. Pulling out his bear and then quickly stuffing in back in his backpack with a embarrassed expression.

"Uhm..you cut your hair." Max said, attempting to change the subject. "Oh- yeah, did it impulsively at 1 in the morning." Nikki said proudly. Causing Neil to make a impressed face, clapping. "Thanks, i know, im skilled." The girl batted her eye lashes sarcastically. Causing the three to laugh. "Yknow Max.. you don't have to hide Mr. Honey nuts from us." Nikki said, her expression softening with a small smile. It made Max more at ease. "Yeah! We know you can tap dance, you cant swim.." Neil began to list. "We've both seen you shirtless-" Nikki said with a shrug "OKAY- THANK YOU." Max interrupted.

Gently he pulled out the bear and laid it on his bed, a small silence washed over the three. "Why is it so skrunkly.?" Neil asked. More of a genuine question, probably referring to his button eye. Quickly, Nikki punched him in the arm. Causing Neil to dramatically screech in pain. "HE HAS PERSONALITY." Nikki said her eye brows furrowed. The sight made Max slightly smile, seeing how Nikki was still quick and feisty to defend him. "ALRIGHT CAMPERS! Once you're done setting up lets meet up in the mess hall." Like usual, Nikki Max and Neil groan in unison. Standing up and walking outside.

———————————— Author notes
Imagine not posting for like a year could not be me. But seriously thanks for sticking with me guys things had been crazy, focusing on fanfictions that give me serotonin rn lmao

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