Chapter 5

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3rd person

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3rd person

A few days have passed since their date and Ike found himself in front of a certain dorm door. He didn't know why he was standing there nor how he got the idea to go there.

So there he was, staring at the wooden and also kinda boring door which blocked the way to a room of a certain someone he had never been in, all because of a voice inside of telling him to check up on Vox.

Even if he hated to admit it, he got kind of worried because Vox hadn't been attending any classes he had with him.

At the end of their 'date' when they reached the college, Vox had told him that he could give him back his hoodie later because Ike's way to his dorm room was a bit longer than to Vox', meaning that Ike still had to walk a bit longer in the rain.

They bid goodbyes and that was it. After that Ike hadn't seen the male with the long black hair, who surely couldn't go by unnoticed because of his appearance, around the college which probably meant he was staying inside his room.

Ike told himself that he was only in front of Vox' door to give him back his hoodie, but as we all know it was a try to hide his true intentions. He had grown a liking to the taller, therefore he was worrying about the other.

However silently standing in front of the door wouldn't solve things. He pulled himself together, held the red and freshly washed hoodie in front himself to give it back as quickly as he possibly could and raised his hand, clenching his it to a fist to knock a few times against the wooden surface.

After some painful seconds, in which Ike's heart felt like it would jump out of his chest and he would forget the imaginary script he had made up in his mind, the door finally cracked open, revealing a figure behind it.

There was Vox, messy hair, it looked as if he didn't brush it, shoulders slouched down and a painful expression painted on his paler than ever face.

"Hi Ike" Vox coughed a he shakily clutched the door handle for of a bit of support, he was barely standing on his legs.

"You look horrible." The smaller blurted out while examining the other with a worried expression on his usually calm face. Ike has had the feeling that the older actually did catch a cold, nevertheless he didn't imagine it being that bad.

"Well, good morning to you too. You look fabulous, big guy." Vox managed to say without coughing, actually rather suppressing the cough, a tiny smile creeping on his face. Even though he didn't know the reason why the smaller was showing up in front of his door, he was beyond happy that he was finally able to get to see his one and only, even though he wasn't the best looking right then.

"Morning, have you been resting well, taking meds?" The hobby novelist asked with crossed arms, even his voice held a threatening tone which sent a tiny shiver down the older's spine

"Uh kinda?" Vox avoided the other's gaze, basically showing with his body language that he was lying.

"What do you mean 'kinda'? No wonder you're still sick." With that the younger basically accused him of not taking good care of himself which was only partly true.

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