Part 1 - It All Started

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It was a beautiful morning, and Chase woke up at let out a big yawn.

Chase: *yawns*

He then grabbed his officer bear plushie and hugs it.

Chase: Good Morning officer bear

Chase said to his plushie. After that, he then left his plushie in his room and went downstairs for breakfast. He went to the kitchen and Nick saw Chase.

Nick: Good Morning Chase
Chase: Good Morning Dad
Nick: Breakfast is on the table with the other pups
Chase: Okay :3

Chase then went to the table and sat down with the other pups.

Chase: Good Morning Guys!
Marshall: Good Morning Chase!
Chase: (sees some pancakes) We're having pancakes??! :D

Chase exclaimed excitedly in a childish way. The pups stared at Chase because of how he said that.

Chase: (stops) I mean... We're having pancakes (chuckles) yaaayyyy

Chase tried to make the pups forget what happened.

Rocky: You okay Chase?
Chase: Huh? Oh, yeah, hehehe...

Chase continued eating his pancakes and once Chase finished eating, he then brought his plate to the sink to wash it. Little did Chase know that the pups were mumbling about Chase's behavior.

Marshall: I think something's up with Chase
Zuma: Yeah, me too dude
Rocky: It's like he's sometimes acting like a baby :/
Rubble: Like that one time when we were all playing in the backyard, everytime he loses, he whines like a "baby".
Rocky: Hey Skye, you know something about Chase's weird behavior?
Skye: Don't ask me. I didn't even notice Chase's "weird" behavior since I always go to Dancing Classes

While they were talking about Chase, they over heard Chase asking Nick childishly if he can have a lollipop

Chase: Hey dad, can I hab a wowwipop pweeaaassseeee? :3

Marshall exclaimed:

Marshall: And he even talks like a baby!

Chase then went back to the table where the pups were.

Chase: So, what do you pups wanna do?
Marshall: I don't know. Maybe Tag?
Chase: Okay ^w^ Race 'ya to the backyard! x3

Chase then ran towards the backyard. Marshall pointed to Chase with his head in a exclaimed way on telling the pups "there he goes again". Marshall then went to the backyard, and so do the other pups, except for Skye, who has Dancing classes today.

Nick: (to Skye) Skye, it's time to go for your Dancing Class
Skye: Well, I better go to my Dancing Class

Skye then went to her room to get her stuff ready, after that, she ran downstairs and to the front door. Meanwhile, Nick went to the backyard to tell the other pups that he'll be taking Skye to her Dancing Class.

Nick: Hey pups, I'm just gonna take Skye to her Dancing Class. You pups be good
Chase: Okay dada :3

Marshall was shocked to hear Chase say "dada". Nick's range was to far, so he couldn't hear that Chase said dada.

Marshall: (to himself) That pup is sure to be a baby...

When Nick went out the font door, the pup started playing, well, they were gonna, when...

Chase: (playfully asks) So, who's gonna be it? :3

Marshall had enough of this and rushed to Chase getting annoyed. Chase noticed this and got scared, so he backed up a bit, but Marshall grabbed Chase's shirt and drew him closer to Marshall.

Marshall: (Growls)
Chase: (whines, tears up a bit)
Zuma: Woah, easy dude. You're gonna make him cry

Marshall yelled at Chase very loud, and the one thing that Chase will do is, cry.

Chase: (cries)

Rocky then rushed to both of them and separated them.

Rocky: Marshall! You're going too far! Take it easy!
Chase: (sobs)

Marshall realized what he just did, and felt guilty.

Marshall: Chase, I... I'm sorry...

Chase shook his head and ran to his room, crying and traumatized. All of the pups were speechless. Chase closed the door as he ran in, laid down on his bed, and hugged his officer bear plushie really tight, still crying.

(hey guys hope you liked dis part >w<)

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