The news

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Chapter 12
( 2 months ago )
Rachels pov :
I was on my way back from work when suddenly I felt this huge pain in my head . I figured it was just a little headache from working all day I've been getting alot of them latley . As I was walking the pain got stronger and then suddenly I felt dissy and then before I knew it everything went black . I woke up in a white hospital room What happened ? I asked myself. The doctor then came in and said , "Ms.Berry?" He asked. "Yes ? " I asked. "Hello my name is Dr . Swift I'm a physician for cancer patients. " he said . "I'm sorry what I'm not a cancer patient . I don't even have a cancer. " I said. He sat down and said, "Thats why I'm here Ms.Berry we took some cat scans and we've found a brain tumor . I'm sorry to tell you this but you have stage 2 Lukemia. " he told me . Suddenly I could feel my whole world crashing down. This can't be real, please don't let this be real . I thought. Please tell me this isn't true Dr.Swift , it cant be real I'm way to young to even have cancer I'm onlh 23 years old . " I told him . "Listen Ms.Berry I know its hard to believe but luckily we've caught it early enough to where we can start you on chemo and there is a good possibility that chemo will help get rid of the cancer . " he said , "And what if it doesn't?" I asked him . "Then we'll take you into immediate surgury. " He said. "What the chances of the chemo working?" I asked. "You have a fair shot of it working. " he said. "I'm sorry but I have to go. " I said and ran out .

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